The roar of the waterfall pounds in the ears of the warriors fighting over the water pumps that produce critical energy needed for the war effort. 2-6 players. Best with the Waterfall FFA or the Waterfall Team Slayer Gametype. Waterfall is an asymmetrical map that I originally designed with Google Sketchup to be a 1v1 map. However, I quickly found myself inspired and it soon expanded in size until its big enough to hold six players. However, 1v1 remains fast paced and exciting due to the loadout. There is only one class in this map: the Warrior. The Warrior is armed with a DMR, an Assault Rifle, 4x frag grenades, and has a jetpack. The map has many high points, however these are in no way overpowering since the lines of sight there are certainly no better than on the ground, perhaps even worse. Waterfall features two gravity lifts, with both leading to the same point. In the original version without jetpacks this was where all the fighting took place. Now, the whole map is accessible and useful. So far I have played several 1v1 games and several 3-player FFA games on it, and all were fast paced and exciting. In the original version, the pumps you see in the pictures did not exist. Now they not only add aesthetics and theme to the map, but they also have the function of being LoS blockers and being a great place to duke it out with your friends. Well, this is a preview of my second map and I'm really excited to see what you guys think. Oh yes, I forgot to mention I will be posting this on the Testers Guild soon. There is a rocket launcher on the map with two shots and my friend who loves gravity hammers is demanding I add one, but I don't know where a fair spot to put it would be. The rocket launcher is located on the top bridge. One last note: sometimes the waterfall causes problems with headsets. I haven't noticed it myself but when I asked about waterfall lag issues in the Forge forum people said that the waterfall was deafening. Hopefully this wont be a problem that will effect the map overall. Picture time!
This map looks pretty cool but there is a lot of pathways or bridges and not enough cover to protect the player. The bottom part of the map is cool and I think you should stick with that. The symmetry of it is somewhat confusing if I made this map it would be symmetrical but hey whatever it looks nice. The decor around the map on the colsiuem walls are iffy to me but still look appealing. So pretty good job overall
I'll try and fix the cover. The map is assym cause the paths up to the top platform and the blue base is slightly assym. I guess its such a slight difference I should just say symmetrical. The walkway covers are my attempt to make the walls a little more pretty. In truth neither me or my friends ever had time to look at the walls during our games. Thanks for the feedback!
I wouldn't worry about the sound of the waterfall so much as the sheer amount of frame rate lag the damn thing causes. I imagine that it being out of view will help the issue, but I'm sure that even with six people the dreadful drop in frame rate that has ended so many Forgers' dreams of forging with the waterfall will end your aspirations as well.
I have never noticed any framerate lag, and I suppose 6 players will make the map crowded anyway. I don't have a great connection but as I said, with three players, I noticed no lag.
It looks good, but the aesthetics make it look a little too cluttered, also, I'd suggest using a 2x1 flat block, with a small shield door over it to make it look like a computer screen, as the orange shield wall stands out a little too much.
Thanks for the advice on the screen. in my 50+ games on this map in the last few days, I haven't noticed too many problems with things being in the way. I can see how you guys might think that. Unfortunately, the platform XL is just a little... well XL. Oh yes I forgot to mention that I've done several games in splitscreen and there never was a problem lag wise.
There are a couple parts of this I like, such as the circular walkway you have in the last picture. I don't like the connection of all the bridges at the top though. They are too narrow for movement and it looks like you can see most of the map from up there. I would never connect more than two bridges. It's honestly a big turnoff when I see it on a map. There weren't problems with framerate at all by the waterfall? I'd like to check this out, so send me an invite next time your testing.
Well the room by the waterfall is used for spawning for the red team or in FFA games just a neutral spawn location-- one of many places you can spawn on the map. There is a window there looking at the base of it as you can see in the pictures. It can also be useful to retreat into in the case of overwhelming fire from above. I just forged on the map for 40 minutes and I added a bit of cover on the ground for those who stick to terra-firma. I looked at the bridge over the top with the bridges. I can see how they're ugly and they don't offer much maneuverability, but I'm still conscidering keeping them for these reasons: The railings on them keep players from being able to see much unless if they take the time to jump on the railings. Second, people only really go up there to spawn or two pick up the rockets. If I change them to blocks or something there'll be less room below to those standing on top of the pumps. Should I change them or not? Lastly, my parents have parental controls placed on our Xbox. Basically I can't send a friend request without getting them to type in a password. I'm new to XBOX and I don't know if I need to be your friend to invite you. UPDATE: when I played today I noticed a slight moment of framerate for about a second. This happened while I was facing towards waterfall and I performed an assassination while going up the gravlift. Otherwise, i haven't had any problems.
If you post a link to the map on your fileshare I'll take a look at it and answer that question. That also helps me to write feedback and suggestions.
I was going to post the map for the testers guild in a few days anyway. I'll tell you when that happens. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Finally posted the map on the Testers Guild which means it is on my fileshare. If you want to play it in customs I suggest getting the Waterfall FFA gametype as well... : Reach : Service Record