So, today i was looking through all of my maps, which isn't many cause i dont keep many of mine, and i noticed i only had casual maps. i thought back and realized everytime i try to make a competitive map, i end up trashing it because it doesn't flow. But whenever i make a casual map it tends to work close to perfect. Now what im asking is, is it a bad thing to only be good at making one kind of map or should i really strive to be able to make other kinds of maps. Like the three maps in my sig are all casual.
I think that it is not really a big problem that you are good at making casual maps, as long as they are pretty good. I mean you cant always be good at everything. i think its fine.
Hell. All my published maps are Mini-Games at the moment. However, I am working on a competitive map right now.
Theres been a lot of guys who did good stuff like that. Cottage made only minigames, Coolant and Biggles almost only did Asthetic, etc. I personally make mostly Competitive, but occassionally an idea will hit me and I'll make a minigame or casual game.