Nice to meet you all. I joined Forge Hub to find a wonderful community that loves custom games as much as I do. I haven't made many maps in forge on Halo: Reach but I think I know my way around Forge pretty well. I love creating things and helping people and would love to play custom games with this community. (As long as it's not a DLC map, don't have those at the moment.) Anyways, I'm usually a nice person to anyone who's nice to me. I don't mind having fun by just goofing around on customs or the forge. If you would like to invite me to a custom, just message me and I will get back to you, thanks! GT: THE SQUAK MAN
Hiii Squawk. Your going to enjoy your stay here. Your also going to enjoy the wonderful staff we have here that everyone respects and agrees that they are not the least corrupted. Please remember though that the cake is a lie, unless if it's TGIF Friday. Message me if you need anything.
Staff are corrupt. Simples. But they're corrupt in the funny sense. Nobody cares anyway. We just throw poo at them. Welcome Squak, I hope you find the entrance exams easy.
They vary from member to member. They usually involve certain acts of a nature that we shall not go into.
Welcome Squakman, enjoy your stay at forgehub. Nothing to worry about here, except the trolls lurking around here and there.
Hello squak and welcome to forgehub and I hope you find the community nice and you make plenty of new friends.
Way to get trolled instantly upon joining. Don;t listen to those nubcakes. Welcome to our community, and enjoy your stay. I'm glad to see a new member who's grammatically capable for once... Ask us coloured dudes if you need anything, except for the orange, red, green, brown, purple, and yellow ones... they're scary.