Welcome to my preview. This collection of maps are the spiritual successor to the End of Days Campaign. No Hope Campaign Trailer - Halo: Reach Infection Campaign - YouTube "The Nuclear Option was used, leaving the surface of the U.S. in ruin. The Military has reached a "Smashed" state, and infected are still a very present threat. 95% of life on the surface has been killed, and humanity may well dwindle out to extinction..." ACT 9: OUT HERE ON THE LINE Spoiler Set in NYC, shortly before the nuclear missiles strike. The world's ending, but you've still got an objective. A large scale journey map utilizing Headlong's unusually large forge budget. "Out Here on the Line" Gameplay Trailer - Halo: Reach Infection Map [HD] - YouTube ACT 10: RADIOACTIVE SUNRISE Spoiler A low lying industrial district outside Pittsburgh about 5 weeks after the bombs hit. The surviving Military is picking through the wreckage when they arrive. A medium sized standard infection map with a unique aesthetic appeal and gameplay. ACT 11: ASHES TO DUST Spoiler Baltimore's decrepit skyline still hangs in the air, defiant of the destruction all around. However, it won't be long until it's all gone... A large-scale journey map, set in the ruins of Baltimore. Unique aesthetics and gameplay are present within the post nuclear mangled steel. ACT 12: THE HIGH ROAD Spoiler I95 has been shredded by the nuclear explosions. New fault lines have formed, ripping massive gauges in the surface of the earth. New mountain ranges have been formed, and the dust clouds have settled, revealing the true extent of the damage. An enormous journey map set on a destroyed highway after the nuclear apocalypse in the middle of nowhere. It's a unique map to play, believe me. Hope you like it. I've been inspired to make a second Zombie Campaign for quite some time, and have been working on it for quite some time. I like this one's aesthetic direction much more than the first, admittedly. Feel free to leave opinions / suggestions in a reply. All the maps are nearly done, and are being / have been meticulously playtested. Feedback and suggestions are more than welcome.
Ahhh, you finally got around to posting it. These were a blast to playtest, I'm going to have to say, Act 12 was my favorite. It's like nothing I've ever played before, with such a... unique layout. Great job, excited for the final product.