Vertigo designed and forged by Remember Isao24 Gametypes: MLG 2v2 ZBNS yay Description: This map is arguably my favorite and most cleanly forged map I've made. Vertigo is a small-scaled (26x26) 2v2 map that is vertical and inverse symmetrical. The layout of the map is basically a middle, two low levels, the middle level (Red and blue towers), and the top level (Green and Gold towers, connected by a bridge). What best emphasizes the verticality on this map is how well each of the towers overlook the lower levels of the map, making top control more apparent. As for the flow of the map, it is circular like a lot of maps. There are 4 ways to the middle level (Ramps and Ladders) and 4 ways to the top level (Ramps and Jumps), all around the outside of the map. I have considered adding a jump pad from the bottom to the top but I have decided against it because the top level still does not feel powerful enough. I may consider it in the future but for now I'd rather not have it. For example, I think it's cheap as hell to spawn bottom mid on Countdown, and the next thing you know, you lifted all the way up to the highest floor of the map. As for spawning, I made a pretty simple spawn system: 3 spawns at Red/blue tower, 3 at bottom red/blue, and 3 at bottom green/gold. It makes 2/3 the weighting towards the bottom level and 1/3 at the middle level. That said, 0/3 at the top level because this isn't Countdown garbage. Weapon Set (Subject to change): DMR x 4 (At each tower) Grenade Launcher (88s, 3clp) at Top bridge Camo (60s; NaS) at bottom mid Frag x 4 at bottom red/blue Plasma x 4 at bottom green/gold Health Pack x 2 in a dead end Screenshots: Overview Blue tower (mid level) - Take note of the ladder because I forgot to take a screen of the very bottom. Another view of blue Jump-up to top level (Tactical yet Punishing on 110/150 jump-grav) Bottom Blue Not all of my screenshots went to bungie and I'm too lazy to re-take them while I'm posting here. Just look at the overview again. But anyways, I actually decided to forge this again but by the waterfall, under the large rock wall, to bring the beautiful shade aesthetic onto the map. Some pieces are lit pretty terribly, but it helps orient yourself with the map (blue side is dark). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Download Links: Vertigo Vertigo Shade Please enjoy and leave feedback! While omitting the phrase "Jump-Pad"
This is a fun, balanced map with nice flow. Due to the connection choices, top isn't very powerful, and the majority of fights are on the first two levels. And the forging is very nice, object usage and cleanliness. Lacks a jump pad, though. You know better, beighxn
I understand, Stan. I agree though about the lack of fights on the top. It needs a solid power weapon up there like either a 1-min GL or 2-min 0 clip rockets. I had an OS there before and it didn't do too great IMO.
This map was very interesting when we played it that one night, even if I was just dicking around. The verticality is very refreshing and the layout is pretty damn unique. My only issue was that the High Bridge is very vulnerable and Bottom Middle is very open. This makes the flow of the map almost too circular, and in a way makes it a move-forward-or-turn-around type of map Other than that I'm glad to see a few MLG forgers stick around through thick and thin. Really have been digging your stuff lately. I would suggest you revisit OBS. There seems to be an increased demand for DLC maps, and that map had a lot going for it.
Well, as your an MLG forger I know this is automatically better than almost every map here. You've got my carte blanche right of the bat. /sarcasm Anyhow, you already know I like the map. It has a consistent play style, solid bottom to top flow and is easy to navigate. I'm not a fan of games where you constantly climb to the top like this, but that doesn't mean its not a good style. You set your goals with this map for such a style and you accomplished them well. Good work. What does it mean to be a MLG forger anyhow aPK? Especially when the two of us are banned anyhow? Personally, I'm thinking that I'm done with MLG... Between **** mods like Zanno, the map/setting decisions and the attitudes of the general community members, I can honestly say I could give two shits less if the whole organization burnt to the ground.
Thanks for the feedback guys. @schnitz: The closest I have been to the MLG scene was watching streams of some of the events. I just find it worth it to play competitive settings on competitive maps, because it is the lack of random gimmicks is simply what I like (along with most mlg players). @APK: I already did some messing around in forge. I blocked the LOS from top bridge to the back of red/blue. I also made cover for bottom mid by creating an entire floor, connecting red to blue, but used Doors (budget reasons) so there are holes viable for dropping down, throwing nades, and shooting through. It was just a quick idea, but I'll probably test that and see how it is. I'm pretty skeptical though. And as for OBS, I might test that whenever I get a chance. MLG try-hards are too close-minded about forge maps though, so I don't even see OBS with potential. They just want A-9 because it plays "okay" and its a disc/dlc map.
Well when I say MLG Forger I just mean anyone who forges a map and tests MLG settings on their maps. *shrug* I'm actually very pumped for this upcoming season. No-bloom/no-sprint will finally see the light and the entire metagame has developed a ton during the offseason as more pros put in actual effort to strategize instead of just sticking to run-and-gun. I'm also a huge SC2 fan so this year will be a great year with the addition of the Arena competitions preluding the Seasonal Championships. /randomthoughts I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm just a huge eSports and competitive gaming fan so MLG fancies me quite a bit. @RiP Sounds like it should definitely help. I actually haven't been on XBL much in the past month or so because I decided to not bring my monitor along with my to college, but I'm heading home for the weekend and am thinking about bringing it along. I've been getting the forge itch recently but it's a headache trying to forge with ~30 ms of lag. Hopefully we can start running games more often as I feel like now is a great time to be forging with all of the support Halo is getting. As for OBS, I def see potential but the bases need reworking. Also, the sides are a underdeveloped atm and I think we could throw something together some time. Really want that map to work
Ben, from now on, I would suggest that you do not use the MLG prefix for obvious reasons. This map deserves more attention...
That's stating the obvious. There's major MLG hate here... But considering the majority of maps with the "MLG" prefix posted here are shitty super gray arenas, I can't blame 'em.