Remake The impound

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by lglize420, Feb 10, 2012.

  1. lglize420

    lglize420 Forerunner

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    V 0.3 IS UP!

    My theory: bungie's forge maps are bad. The community definitely outdid them. good job guys.

    My idea: bungie had some good ideas for maps, well playable maps, fun maps. they just fell a little short with skills. lol. the cage is fun, why not make it funner. fix some brokeness, make things more consistant, pro, nd look better. I like the cage, hell I love it. But some things I don't like: broken jetpack, overpowering positions and the fact that it looks like random floating blocks everywhere .___. eww.

    My map: say goodby to floating block world, say hello to the new cage/uncaged. atleast that's the goal. The level has recieved a gift certificate for plastic surgery. much more tactical jumps have been placed. areas of the map have changed to have better game flow. line of sight has ben shut in some areas, and opened in others. the map has been "caged" off for real this time, nd nade launcher is even more of a blast in the map now XD and most importantly the map has a more consistant forged look. give it a try, tell me what you think. here are some compared pics:

    The impound: (tell me what u guys think of the custom waterfall :D)
    the impound:
    the impound:
    the impound:
    the impound:
    the impound:
    the impound:
    the impound:
    the impound:
    the impound:
    the impound:
    the impound:
    the impound:
    the impound:
    the impound:
    the impound:

    So that's my twisted version of the map. here's some more pics of just some action shots:


    So there you have it. The map is playable on almost every game type, squad, 4v4, ffa, multiteam, infection, flag, oddball, hill, you name it! Things I have noticed is that swat/infection is a tad more balanced, and frags and nade launcher are a blast in the map with all the inclines and walls, so make sure your bounce is on point. So far I have had alot of fun testing the map, and so have a few other players. But I didn't get the chance to test as much as i would like to have, but things seem to be working great so far.

    weapon changes:
    dmrs, needle riffles: similar to cage.
    rockets: sc:0, respawn 180s
    sniper: sc:0, respawn 180s
    shotgun: sc:0, respawn 120s
    nade launcher: sc:4, respawn 120s
    4 plasma nades: respawn 30s
    4 frags: respawn 15s
    also some 2 random ars, nd 2 magnums.

    If there are any problems, spawning, weapons, map unbalance, please let me know b/c i would like to this map perfect.

    thanx for checking out the map, nd be sure to sare your thoughts and opinions guys :D
    #1 lglize420, Feb 10, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2012
  2. physcopirahna6

    physcopirahna6 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Just downloaded it,just because this looks great :D I'll edit this once I've had a fly through.

    From the pics you have made it look completely new, and this one is a lot cleaner, I really like it from the pics :D
    Sorry this isn't much right now, but there will be more feedback once I've had a flythrough.

    But from what I can see now this looks great :D Great Job :D


    I've just had a fly through and wow! You turned a piece of crap into a work of art :D This gives the cage/uncaged a whole new and better feel :D This definately goes amongst one of the maps that should be used instead of the original. You sir are an awesome person for transforming this map into something of beauty :D The map feels alot biger and more spacious and a lot more playable I feel as if now I won't run the risk of getting spawn killed every time I spawn :D Well done on a superb map !
    #2 physcopirahna6, Feb 10, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2012
  3. xDTx Kaos

    xDTx Kaos Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Well you took one of the least attractive, worst playing, probably the worst halo map ever and redid it in such a way that I want to play on it. This looks really nice. Good work.
  4. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Just had a quick runthough of the map, and I am impressed. It's easy to spot the similarities once you look, but at first it looks like a completely new map. I found that I was moving around fairly similarly to Cage, but areas felt less enclosed and "campable". Funnily enough, my friend thought the areas that were most difficult to hold on Cage were much more appealing by comparison.
  5. lglize420

    lglize420 Forerunner

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    thanx guys, i'm glad u all like the new look. let me know how it plays for you once you guys get to have a game on it. glad you guys are all as exited as i am lol. I would like to host a game on this soon, but rite now my job is kinda hectic, im a tattoo artist and I am booked solid for the next few days, but I will host somthing once I can devote the time, and I'll fix things little by little untill then based on your guys feedback. thanx again.
  6. Korlash

    Korlash Remember Isao
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I ran around the map as well. The modified layout is actually pretty cool, especially being room-based now. However, the room-based aspect is kind of a problem on here. There aren't enough long Lines of sight on here. That sniper will be too much about quick-scoping or no-scoping. As for the Ascension tower, I hate to tell you that it seems even more broken than it was, mainly because the map is room-based. Players could get sniped/naded/DMR'ed up there still and now you only have one angle to hit them or else you have to climb up there. An easy, but only partial fix would be connecting it with the yellow area where you have Green-team spawns. That area needed more condensing to the center and additional connections to it (at the top for example).

    One more concern I have is screenlag, but this is in forge with all the spawn points and crap.

    I have to say though, this map would be a breath of fresh air after playing the Cage. There is just too much brokenness on there. So keep it up with this map.
  7. PurexXxChicken

    PurexXxChicken Forerunner

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    Lol thats awesome! It looks so much better than cage and plays better. So much better than the infection map where they just went in a screwed everything up, included the good camping places. i vote yes
  8. lglize420

    lglize420 Forerunner

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    thanx chicken glad u like, and thank you isao, i will fix these things asap, as for frl, it was bc of forgeworld, no frl on single screen, nd split screen isn't that bad exept in a few minor places. the points you made makes alot of sense, so i wil play around with some things you sugested and post up fixes when they are complete. thanks again for the insight.

    oh nd btw, how was weapon spawning?

    Also still wana hear what you guys think of the lil custom waterfall, lmao, not sure if it's been done b4 (probably), but i'm so just so proud of it lmao
    #8 lglize420, Feb 10, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2012
  9. GetRdy2Fall

    GetRdy2Fall Forerunner

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    This map looks really nicely forged and fun to play on, but I think you took it a little too far away from caged/uncaged. It was made for it's open areas and many places to fall off(which happens to me at least 4 times a game). From looking at the pictures it looks like there is no cross-mapping: the only thing that bugs me. I rly do like this new map i just think it is a lot different, which isn't bad. Nice work
  10. lglize420

    lglize420 Forerunner

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    yup, nd thanx. yea i did stray alot farther away then 1st planed lol but I am glad I did, the fact that it is so different, and yet oh, so similar is what i think keeps this interesting. also 4 times a game??? 0_0 if you ever want some tips man i'll play some games with you i'm pretty good lol
    #10 lglize420, Feb 10, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2012
  11. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Sniper LoS is still broken. You can see all the way to the Sniper spawn from the Sniper Tower.

    You need to eliminate that LoS, because that is a common spawn if the other team is controlling the upper portion. That area could also use more depth, instead of being one extremely long, open hallway.
  12. lglize420

    lglize420 Forerunner

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    yes LoS is still good on T2, but so is it on grav's landing elbow, i think broken is more like cage with LoS being the whole map, not just one hallway. I think it's fair for teams, but in ffa it might have the advantage, with randoms running about...
  13. Minion

    Minion Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I actually like this better than the cage and uncaged, because it plays much better without so much LOS and it looks a lot more nice, you should send this into 343i, I bet they'd like it.
  14. Korlash

    Korlash Remember Isao
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    "LoS being the whole map" is not what broke the cage. There are just numerous positions that are completely uncompetitive (Ascension tower, sniper hall/lift, etc.). The cage still needs those longer LOS for longer range combat. One example is the situation with rockets. You cannot attack a guy getting rockets from a distance anymore. The only hope is following him in there without letting him fire a rocket and killl him. Otherwise, he'll run out without problems.

    The other and huge problem is how much more powerful the Ascension tower has become. There used to be a viable LOS to snipe or DMR them. Now, you have to walk up in the only one ramp and kill him. That makes the map harder to support oddball and slayer. Hopefully you connect the top of that because that should make a huge fix to that tower.

    Oh and what Exzamplezzz said. That area is a deathtrap to the ascension tower and forces you to use that lift to a completely different position you may not want to go.
    #14 Korlash, Feb 11, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2012
  15. lglize420

    lglize420 Forerunner

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    ok, ok, good points guys, here are some changes. I havent actualy changed anything in the download yet, bc I want to run these changes by u guys nd see if they would help 1st:


    ^this one is a minor change, not sure if it looks kinda worse, or kinda better yet, idk, just an idea or a start at changing some things...

    another pic

    here is the path from green spawn to red. at 1st I was just gana be lazy and put a block from the outside, but decided would look better if the path cut into the tunel, nd threw that window. wich i figured would fix some things a lil 2. the problem is getting this to actualy look good :(


    ^took out that ugly wall, changed it to a 2x2flat + window, not sure if it looks rite tho


    ^A minor fix to asthetics and looks

    this platform i figured would give a fair rush to snipe for both teams, but thinking it realy might not help at all actualy... even if i do use it I gatta change it, that thig is ugly lol that's some minor things I am thinking about changing. I also was thinking of adding a ramp from lift to landing to help LoS, but not sure if that will help anything either. Also not sure what to do for the problem with rockets... uhhhg, anymore advice? My client canceled on me today, so I have all day to forge
    #15 lglize420, Feb 11, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2012
  16. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The two main points me and Remember were pointing out is:

    1. There is a LoS from Sniper Tower to the Spawns at Sniper which need to be eliminated.
    2. The Rocket Spawn is now in a secluded room, which bares little risk to anyone rushing for them.

    1. Give Sniper Spawn more depth to ensure a comfortable spawn in that area, even if the other team is controlling Sniper Tower.
    2. Open up Rocket Room, so it is a dangerous position to go to. On Cage it is a risk vs. reward situation. On The Impound it is a reward situation only, which should not be the case for a weapon as powerful as the Rockets.
  17. lglize420

    lglize420 Forerunner

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    Here are the fixes for the new v.02


    top tower's LoS to snipe might not have been too cut off, but bullets have.

    you can shoot all ya want, it's pointless!

    Now top tower has a nice LoS down this hallway, but i think it makes up for lift's landing's...

    Say hello to an old friend.
    he's a small lil guy, but he packs a pawnch.

    also uptaded again to v0.3, just more support by teli, alot of people where falling in water there.

    Edited by merge:

    ok, i have been going crazy, I tried switching weapons, and then I hated it, I want it too keep uncaged weapons, and Exzamplez and Isao are rite, the map is broken. And your guys ideas are great. So I replaced things to have more pieces, and I can't figure out how the hell to make an outside ramp from green->red spawn, or open up rockets and still have it look nice and without changing too too much. I was thinking of a dip inside the wall next to lift (out of sight from tower) Exzamplez sugested, with mabie a mini not so broken tower, wich is easy enough, but I dont even want to atempt it b4 I fix biggest problems, even though its still a big one. aggggghhh, I might wana re-do the whole thing, or atleast half. On top of all this I see some maps from waldo that make my asthetics look amiture at best. See you all in a month or so with a complete v2.0. thank you all for checking out this early "beta"
    #17 lglize420, Feb 13, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2012

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