So...Im 4 maps into forge and I now have a list a page long of things I want to try. So, Id like to present some of them and gauge interest in them/see if anything like it exists/be told its a terrible idea. Minigames Skydive Simulator Slayer Use teleporters to make a never ending air battlefield. Everyone has heavy weapons and a limited jetpack. Basically you go ahead and kill everyone while Its hard to aim, but getting close may be enough. The twist are that id have heavy objects spawning regularly to even odds a bit. I already have the mechanics built and tested, I just need to build the structure ect. Samurai vs Ninjas 3 humans spawn as 2 guards(samurai) and a Shogun. Shogun has unlimited health but reduced speed. He also has only a magnum and a sword. The "samurai" spawn next to him in special rooms that give them sprint, a shotgun and a rocket launcher for protection. Everyone else spawns as a zombie with unlimited active camo but no real weapons(double magnums?). They have to jump down from the trees and rooftops and assassinate the heroic trio as they patrol the streets If you can dodge a jeep Room full of people dodge jeeps, crates and explosives that are man cannoned around the room. Probably will use unlimited vehicle glitch to get the amounts I need. The objective is merely to survive on the map for as long as possible(king of the hill based) Ive seen things similar to this done, just not on the scale Im thinking of Dont Push my buttons! This is a map I have already made and is nearly ready for testers guild. Humans spawn off the ground and must enter the turret of a rocket hog. The rocket hog is essentially a giant dunk tank, a very long range explosive dunk tank. The "zombies" all spawn at the center of a giant maze down below and have to navigate it to activate the dunk tanks(push buttons) and kill the humans. The trick to the whole map is the fact that you cant defend your own button as a human(the rockets cant aim down silly). You must rely on teamwork and a sharp eye to survive. Early on the zombies will die often, but as they learn the maze and time their attacks, humans will fall more and more easily. The last man standing has a gravity hammer for up close, a rocket launcher for crowd control and overshields but is kicked out of his vehicle to face the zombies in the maze. In a swarm, he wont last long In a few quick playtests people loved it. Im also going to work on a variant where there are 2 teams on the ground in the maze that score points by destroying the other teams hogs on the other side of the map. Itll be based off haloball(thus my delay) Casual competitive maps Tanker disaster My first ever forged map was tanker, and while it looked pretty friggin good, it doesnt exactly play fantastic. Ive been wanting to remake it for a while. Basically its a giant oil tanker ship. But in this version, it will have broken in half due to an unknown disaster and is "sinking" fast. Will have debris and other damage to navigate at midship while the rest will be angled and partly submerged. The damage will fix the playability problems of its predecessor. Shopping mall Pretty self explanatory. Large shopping center with long hallways for long rangers and shops and stalls for those who like it close. Possibly work infection into it too Old western train station 2 opposing stations fight over the supplies on a train arriving at the station SO...any thoughts or comments? Are any of these ideas good? Are any unintentionally stolen? Are any physically impossible? Am I off my rocker?
Some really great and fun ideas there, you should go ahead and make them. I'd be interested to see some pictures of these levels, should you make them, and even a link to the level when complete! Sounds fun man!
Dont push my buttons is in the testers guild under the name Button mashers if you want to see it. The rest will be trickling in as I have free time to get them done The next will probably be skydivers as I have the mechanics for it built Then Ill go by what I have time to do