Hanging up my controller - retiring from gaming

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Willmatic, Feb 9, 2012.

  1. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Hey everybody, long time no talk. I've been very busy as of late spending my weekdays with commuting to school, working out, working, and homework. I wanted to share my emotions about a hobby I've enjoyed since the PS1. I couldn't think of a better crowd that I'm apart of to share my thoughts and what I'm going through.

    I give up on video games. It's just that all these developers have streamlined games for purely profit. Now don't get me wrong, developers and publishers of video games, I know they are profit organizations. Anyways, it seems like I have developed a need to compete in my games. I use to play video games for fun, like with GTA Vice City, Halo, and Fallout. Now every game is basically CoD, everybody just in it to improve their KD, not have fun.

    I have little time to play games now, but I just get frustrated half the time when I pop in Reach or BF3, because I care more about competition than fun, that mentality has developed in me. Why should I care how good I do? It will in no shape or form have an effect on my future. I tried to play non competitive games like Skyrim and Saints Row 3, but they just dry out for me. I need competition, I crave it in sports, my new major hobby. I wanted to be the strongest person in my school last year and I achieve that. Competition in my real life brings me places. In games, it just brings me frustration.

    So basically that is why I'm going to sell my xbox, it just isnt about having fun anymore to me no matter what I try to do. I don't have time to come on at the same time as my friends, all 2 of whom still play video games.

    It's going to be hard though, I used to be so attached but now I just don't care about them anymore. I'm 19, I have responsibilities now like getting good grades, hitting the gym as much and as hard as possible. When I was little, all I worried about is having fun. Now, I got too much going on to compete in a entertainment system.

    This may seem a little extreme, but I'm getting low on money because my dad is a dead beat troll (it's a whole another story). This isn't the first thing I've given up, I stopped smoking weed and cigarettes (was such a struggle with no patches) which helped but with rugby coming up, I'm gonna need some money for new cleats and membership.

    So, to sum it all up I got a new life goal (which is also another story) and video games are being left behind because they don't serve me the purpose I originally intended for: FUN
  2. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    I took on so many responsibilities the past two years too. Life is getting pretty serious, but once in a while I pop in the disk for some games.

    I can see where you're coming from, and I think you're making a good decision on your part.

  3. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Well said, Shannon.

    I play for fun, my best friend currently lives far away and the only real way I contact him is through xbox. We don't just game though, it's more about keeping in touch and having something to look forward to when all work is done.

    I too have disliked competitive games. I recently got BF3 and I get extremely frustrated at something really stupid, and when I try to mess around my good friend gets mad because he's fairly competitive. So yeah, I'm all for screwing around, but it kinda feels empty afterward. I like to read a lot more than I used to, I'll give you that.

    Eh, I may too sell my xbox but I don't see it happening anytime soon. The game market has me hooked at least until GTA V comes out, but even then I probly won't have anyone to play with so it'll get old too.

    Ah, anyways, saw you around quite a bit, and I hope this doesn't mean quitting the community. Good luck, sir.
  4. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    I think I'll still stick around, post every now and then.

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