Fact and Compromise

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ChubbyButterz, Feb 8, 2012.

  1. ChubbyButterz

    ChubbyButterz Forerunner

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    Hey, guys. First time trying a serious map and first time posting here.

    Fact and Compromise was inspired by the mission in Halo: CE, "Truth and Reconciliation". In that regard, it features a rocky, asymmetrical battlefield on the ground, with a large grav lift in the center. Upon using the grav lift, you will appear in a room that was originally supposed to look like the belly of the Cruiser where you are assaulted by stealth-elites with energy swords. As I began working on it, however, it slowly morphed into a much smaller room that features an energy sword and a few other weapons, and two symmetrical hallways adjacent to the main room. (Much like the hallways in Truth and Reconciliation.)

    Have some pictures.

    The inside of the ship, "Fact and Compromise".

    Roughly a third of the battlefield "below" the ship. This is where blue team spawns in objective gametypes.


    A view of the battlefield from blue-side looking towards red-side, with most of it blocked by rocks and the grav lift.

    The grav lift itself.

    An overview of the battlefield half of the map.

    It was very difficult for me to get good screenshots of this map, especially the inside of the "ship". There are many small walkways behind rocks and along the cliff-side, and two rocks that jut out of the mountain, creating elevated platforms.

    I wasn't able to do very much playtesting, but from what I saw, it played relatively slowly with 4 players. I estimate that it would be very fun with between 6/8 to 12 players. Please, feel free to download it and tell me what you think.​

    Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details

    My apologies if I did something wrong in this post, and please, leave feedback!
  2. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
    Senior Member

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    So there is only one way into the ship? One team could easily camp in there with a sword.
  3. ChubbyButterz

    ChubbyButterz Forerunner

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    Actually, I thought of that. There are 4 different recievers within the ship, and the most you could camp is one of them, maybe two if you're really quick. And once inside the ship, there are two senders back out, but they either spawn you on red side or blue, so its never guaranteed where you will end up.

    It makes CTF and Assault a lot of fun. "Hmm, is it worth the risk to use the teleporter? On one hand, I might get an easy flag capture, or I might be sent back to the enemy base."

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