I HAVE REMOVED THE MAP FROM MY FILE SHARE TO MAKE SPACE, SORRY. H2O Small map built in the Forgeworld spawn area with a nice water feature and a few other features to make it look good. Good for FFA and TS, enjoy. Red Spawn Blue Spawn Water Feature Big Screen Water Feature & Grav Lift
Though you're new to Forgehub, and I can see you have a ways to go, You seem to have a very creative style of structure. It looks bumpy in places (like in the last picture), but it looks fun in many other ways. I'll have to throw down a custom on it. You got a download Oh and welcome to Forgehub.
Welcome to Forgehub. Now GTFO out of the Coliseum. Some weird lighting up in there. The map does look a bit bumpy.
Whenever I have time tonight, I'll do a forgethrough on this. The 4th screenshot had me sold for the DL. I agree with the above post, I would take this out of the coliseum. I personally use it on my beta versions to limit the size, but the pieces commonly look ugly. I will leave feedback if I can. Also, your GoW remakes look pretty well forged. With this flux of decent maps without problems with formatting, this is a good first impression you've made. I'm looking forward to more maps from you, hopefully ones for MLG
Colliseum map The lighting is funny in the colliseum and I think your right about building it elsewhere for looks. I built it in there because I didnt know how to keep the colliseum walls alligned for floor pieces back then, may rebuild sometime. Thanks for the good feedback.
Thanks for your comments and i did finally manage to get out of the colliseum, turns out there's a huge hole in the wall. lol