Alright Im a bit confused on how to get another Xbox Live account. Someone says you need a Credit Card, others say its possible without. I'm confused.
You can use microsoft points cards from the store or use a credet/debit card. Also you may either create a new account or change your name so that you keep all of your achievements.
I just went to see how making a new account works. Xbox Live can suggest some pretty hilarious available names. "StaggeredCarrot" among others.
Wow, you didn't explain anything there. Anyways if you want to change your name simply edit you profile and choose the option of changing your gamertag or simply create a new profile by clicking the x button at the dashboard before signing in, I think? Anyways it is not that hard to figure out. If your parents are a little hesitant about using a credit card, go to the store and buy 1600 ms points for 20 dollars. It will cost 800 ms points to change your gamertag to whatever is available. If you want to create a new account all you have to do is pay for xbox live gold subscription and you don't pay for the name. Hope that helps!
I didn't mean to give the impression that explaining things was what I was trying to. I didn't go too deep into the account creation system since it started asking me to make an MSN Passport before it started asking me how I was going to pay. I just wanted to point out that the system offers up some pretty good and hilarious generated names.
I just thought this post was funny even though I couldn't tell who it was directed towards. As for the options I think you should go with 1 w1ll 3nd y0u ..... although i'm sure someone has used that already ...
The irony is so thick you could cut it with a knife. 1) You bash me. 2) I apologize for giving the wrong impression. 3) You call me anal. This is so confusing as to be amusing. I don't know why you sound so angry, I'm not trying to be a **** here, and if it seems that way I apologize. I don't really know you're going on about at all.
Everyone beats up on esponeo too much. 'All the Jews' would be cool, if you're going for a funny kill name. Other than that, I dunno. Poztar is just a made up word, you could make up a word too. Something like 'Grome' or 'Toppins' sound cool. Any name followed by a series of numbers looks really uncool in my opinion; it implies that a lot of other people thought of it and you were too lazy to come up with something original. Random x's or 0's or any other weird series of characters seems stupid and doesn't make much sense, like a guy tattooing a flame around his ankle.
oooooh you must be the !@#$ as well, except you actually are !@#$, and I'm seventeen dumbass... Maybe people shouldn't get in on other people's business. Now I'm not agsinst esponeo, it's just that the experiences I've had of him even before confrontation have been rather negative. However I have no problem with him and I respect him as a player, but sometimes it seems he doesn't need to explain everything he says. I understand what he is saying he doesn't need to explain everything, that gives off the impression that he is being anal about everything. That's it I'm done I look forward to playing on xboxlive with esponeo sometime Esponeo, I apologize for anything that I've posted negative about you and shall change them. And back on topic: go with rusty child or rusty...something.
I am personally not a really big fan of the X's on the outside of names everyone has it and I dont know why. -Donuts
PeOpLe AlSo ThInK tHaT cApPiNg EvErY oThEr LeTtEr MaKeS tHeM cOoL... It really doesn't... But people on the internet are retards, and fro some reason putting L's and I's and X's makes you cool. I would NEVER use xXxCodexxxXx. Ok, I just remembered antoehr good reason why: too many X's. But pillars next to a name? Not cool. But for some reason people think it's original to be l Codexx l Still, it makes for an easy way to know someone is an idiot before you talk to then. And THEN you talk to them and wonder why you did: the signs were clear.