Remake Machete (Sword Base)

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by DPS Sundown, Feb 6, 2012.

  1. DPS Sundown

    DPS Sundown Forerunner

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    Machete (VIII)

    It's a widely known fact that "Sword Base" is a heavily unbalanced map, that is easily won by those who camp the top. While it can be stagnant and rather devoid of adversity, it remains one of the most payed maps in Matchmaking. Recently, A friend challenged me to rebuild the map in forge world, and fix everything that is widely considered "broken" with the map. It may have started as a bit of a joke, but believe me, I took this ever so seriously!


    I have completed the framework, and believe to have re-balanced Sword Base. I've had many testers, many of which attempt to camp up top, and realized rather quickly that the flow of combat discourages this. Much of the movement, weapon spawns, and objective spawns are placed in a way that the top of the map acts as a way to move about and flank, versus pitching a tent.


    The map holds its former glory, and looks very similar throughout- giving a nice, structured, and familiar feel. Many of the weapons spawns have changed though, and new paths have been opened up, and the whole map feels more spacious and open. No area is devoid of cover, and sight lines from all over have been taken into account for every angle. Below, I will outline some of the major changes - please download and explore!



    I am currently very open to suggestions on changes, and look forward to any and all feedback! Download, Recommend, and help get this map into matchmaking!
  2. The Muppet King

    The Muppet King Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I appreciate the fact that you took the time to build Sword Base in your image rather than complain like the rest. Unfortunately, you did a poor job with object choice. A lot of the textures don't match up and I believe something could have been done about the coliseum walls. On the fourth picture, there's an excessive amount of 5x1's. Thats just the aesthetics. Layout wise, I haven't played the map and intend to download it to get a closer look at it. What I simply ask of you is to clean up some the forging and you just might have a map that can compete with more competent forges out there. Good job.
  3. DPS Sundown

    DPS Sundown Forerunner

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    I could very easily have used a different set of pieces for that tunnel, but the 5x1's gave a unique feel to that tunnel. In fact, many of my testers praised it! I've actually done a lot with the texturing, but it is always good to hear another opinion. I am often more concerned with finding pieces that serve my purpose, then line it up with the textures- versus the standard of finding matching pieces of pieces. Especially for a project of this magnitude. Honestly, in areas the coliseum walls could have been replaced, but then the map looked very cluttered and non-aesthetically pleasing.. I find it to be a quick and painless way to create flooring. They aren't really overused, but if they prove to be a problem...

    Thanks for your feedback Panic, be sure to download and see if you still feel that way about some of the areas you pointed out.
  4. lglize420

    lglize420 Forerunner

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    i agree with panic, exept the tunel area with the 5x1s, i like them too! .__. but he is rite about asthetics, pic 3 almost looks bad, bridge, 1x1 talls nd the glass sails all look super messy. bottom line is this was a)great idea b)well thought out. Your explinations make perfect sense, nd show a little insight to flaws overlooked by less experienced players. you got the basic layout finished, now forge a lil, experiment with pieces you like, nd go back nd fix lil at a time when u get those "ohhhh, that would look way better" moments. can't wait to see this map when it's final product, will download nd great job.
  5. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Sick! It's actually really interesting looking at a sword base on forge world. I like how you took the glass out. They should probably do that to the real sword base. This makes me wanna do a remake. Thanks for the inspiration. Great map
  6. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

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    Holy ****, A reach map created in reach forge. Too bad you couldn't forge this on sword base. Nah, but it's interesting because a buddy of mine and I where talking about remaking some Reach maps and I thought it sounded silly, then this. I agree with panic as well too, only fix the textures though if you could keep frame rate out of mind.
  7. Mynx

    Mynx Overzealous
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I agree with most of what has been said, the textures just make the map look bad. Nothing matches, and as for the 5x1's, lights = bad. However, I do think it gives the tunnel a neat effect, so it's really your choice on whether or not you should remove it. Nothing makes a map look nooby quite like those stunt ramps do when used improperly, which I'm sorry to say, they are. Consider keeping a common theme for walls/floors (ramp XL's make good, inexpensive walls and are easy to replicate in many places). I personally don't see too much of a problem with the coliseum walls since it pains me to ever use blocks on floors - there's better things they could be used for. I'll take a look at it myself when I get home.

    Hopefully what you say is true, and that gameplay saves the map from simply being ugly.
  8. DPS Sundown

    DPS Sundown Forerunner

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    Most of my forging has been revolved around grifball maps, so hopefully you can understand that making a smooth, flat surface becomes the main concern - followed by aesthetics and making something look nice. I could use someone who knows how to beautify slayer maps to spruce up the place, as that seems to be the common ground here.

    So let me add that in addition to looking for play-testers, that I would be looking for a few people (one with a lot of time?) to improve the feel, without losing the flow. If anyone wants to help do this, please let me know here or via XBL.
  9. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    This map is extremely interesting. Though the reliance of wall, colliseums is heavy, from what you say the map has been majorly improved.
  10. DPS Sundown

    DPS Sundown Forerunner

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    I sure like to think so, however I brought this to Forgehub for some good, objective opinions. Most of my testers have given basic feedback like "it's good" or "it's better than swordbase" which I'm flattered by, but honestly, I know it can improve. Be sure to download and have a good look around.

    I am open to show anyone around the map tonight around 5PM CST through 11PM CST. Just let me know! I am always looking for interested play testers.
  11. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    Count me in! I am available right now (17:37 British Time). Gamertag is Aleksnipez37. I hardly ever have the chance to play on some good customs in Reach. I would love to help!
  12. DPS Sundown

    DPS Sundown Forerunner

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    As for "right now" I'm afraid i'm lurking forums at work. Later tonight around 5 CST (USA) though, I'll send an invite if you're around.
  13. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Count me in as well, GT is jameslieb1.

    Also, pay no mind to people saying the map looks ugly. It's very aesthetically pleasing if you ask me and to be frank, it looks like it plays a lot better than Sword Base. I'm guessing you got rid of the infamous yellow lift?
    #13 jameslieb1, Feb 6, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2012
  14. DPS Sundown

    DPS Sundown Forerunner

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    No, but it is significantly improved. Like I said, it's now a teleporter, such that the only way anyone would know you are coming up is radar, no more sound letting any top campers know you're in an isolated room. There is also now a split in the wall allowing nades to travel in and out of the room, and the doorway/room has been significantly widened.

    I'll be sure to invite. I'll be making the lobby right around 5PM CST
  15. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    It is good to see a remake of sword base...I have contemplated making myself. You can definitly see the resemblance and the layout seems fairly accurate. The problem for me is your choice of pieces and consistency of structure. Using col walls as floor and walls also ceiling doesn't look good. I know it it can be difficult with the choice of pieces making all accurate and looking good. The xl bridges are bad for framerate and don't look good mixed with medium bridges. Using same piece will improve map aesthetically. I also don't like the mancannons have been changed to teleporters.
  16. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sorry, that's what I meant, not get rid of it but improve it. Anyways, I'm glad you did, cause that's always been a major turn-off for me in Sword Base. Can't wait to play, btw I recommend making a thread in the customs lobby so we can get a good amount of people to play at 5 CMT/6 EST.
  17. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I dont know if you would be open to let me do stuff on it (try to make the map texture better )

    My Gt: Frenchys
  18. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    I had a great game on this last night. The gameplay was solid and as expected, all camp spots were resolved. There is just a few things i would like to point out:

    - Spawns didnt work too well. Players often spawned too close to enemies.
    - The oddball sometimes got stuck in the cut off area where the teleporters are. I suggest adding a soft-killzone in there as it will force the oddball to reset instead of being inaccessable.
  19. Sp0nY

    Sp0nY Forerunner

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    Nice to see all the good advice on here. I think Sundown did a great job with building this with limited pieces and budget. I was personally there for about 40% of the build giving my personal insights and testing out weapon placements and various other ideas.

    Like wrapping the teleporters...

    What used to be yellow lift still goes to top yellow.(Now a teleporter) However, when testing the map I had the idea to send blue teleporter spawn top red and (what used to be Red lift) Red teleporter spawn to middle (shotgun room) now sniper room. This way Yellow teleporter goes to the same room as before: but by overlapping blue spawn and red spawn teleporters and limiting their range to 2 floors above them. It also makes the initial run for power weapons more balanced.
  20. DPS Sundown

    DPS Sundown Forerunner

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    I'll be sure to double check the spawn points for adequate distance and cover. I intend to cover that area for that exact reason. Just haven't done it yet, and I was still finalizing what I wanted the room to look like (to a degree).

    Also, I'm not sure what happened to red teleporter, but I'm investigating. Apparently, it was shut off mid-game during one of my tests last night. Still worked the next game, and still works in forge. For some reason though, midway through that game it simply would not work.

    and hello there Sp0ny!

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