Back Story Sapien (v. 3.2.3) was my entry into the small Forging contest called Last Forger Standing over on Halo.Bungie.Org. Created and ran by Master Forger Pete_The_Duck. The contest started with 7 contestants where two dropped out from the start leaving 5 to compete. Week 1: Forge Art.......Weeks to complete: 1..............Winner: SEspider Week 2: Race Map.......Weeks to complete: 1..............Winner: MASSAIKUR Week 3: 2v2 Map.......Weeks to complete: 1................Winner: SEspider & Joony Joon Week 4: 6v6 Map.......Weeks to complete: 2................Winner: Announced in 3 weeks To learn more about the contest and updates, please visit About The Map I've never made a 2v2 map before so like my other 2 entries this was a first from me. But it was a great/fun challenge that I needed. It took me three different designs in three different locations before I was happy. My main focus for the map was to make it part of the Forge World environment and easy to navigate. I'm happy to announce it's very easy to navigate and to call out areas. The LFS judges pointed out issues with the map that I have since fixed. The download, images, and video are all of the updated version. Shield Doors are now only present in FFA and Infection games. There is now a easy way to to reach the center platform. And the teleporter has been moved & adjusted to prevent players from accidently walking into them. In the video you'll see a sniper (me) get assassinated because of the change. It's more difficult to camp a area now and players don't feel the need to protect a certain area all the time anymore. Team slayer and FFA slayer have certain weapon swaps. And Infection provides a extra shield door and CannonMan for movement. FFA also provides armor weapons. Community Customs Night : 2/3/2012 Sapien-Flythrough - YouTube PS: I've submitted a Thumbnail image but it doesn't seem to be showing. It's the last one in the thread
Thanks. There's more lines of site then it looks like. But not so much that any particular weapon owns the map. Here's the episode with the judges' comments. Last Forger Standing - Episode 4 - 2v2 Team Slayer - YouTube
hahah i remeber i was eliminated from that because my Forge Art was crap, but the map was ok that use of the dishes i dont really like but the use of the Xl plat forms i dont really like but i kida sorta reminds me of asylum
Sorry that you got eliminated. But you gotta admit that compared to the other entires, your's did seem like it was thrown together at the alst minute. But with more effort, you could have easily beaten Joony. I don't like the dishes in the center either. I needed a form of cover and they were the easiest method to use. As for the XXL platforms, it was either that or another building. The last thing the map needs is something to clutter it up more. But turning it into a base wouldn't be very difficult. But doubt I'll do it.
i was thinking more along the lines of mabye re-designing the map altogether, the map itself astheticaly is good but it seems like something you would see in the beginning on when halo reach. like when you are over by blue base and the red person comes out of the base the blue person is over by the last Platform XXl, they have a nice little long LOS, so then you get a grav lift that gives away which side the enemy is coming from and you can also look down high middle and get ridiculous kill streaks. the map needs more cover and structure.
Redsigning the map all together is out of the question. What did you mean by " it seems like something you would see in the beginning on when halo reach."? In the games I've seen played on the map, players rarely go out the lower part of the bases. They tend to either go out the back or jump down from above. Which is fine. There's not much cover in that area because it would just clutter up the map. There needs to be LOS in areas. Otherwise players would just run around stuff and never leave the area. I almost made the top walways & the center area enclosed but quickly saw the error of that thought. Placing too much cover on a small map as this and it causes camping. Something that I wanted to avoid at all cost. It may be easier to get kills in certain areas but that's all part of the fun. Nothing's more fun for me then to barely get away to cover only to get the upper hand. I will admit that the map is not great for infection or swat. But that tends to be because players want to camp areas. Thankfully, no area on the map is fully safe from a Zombie or a Swat Shot. Which is a win as far as I'm concerned. I've noticed players with the Rockets don't always get their kill because of the line of sight. Same for snipers. But I've also noticed that players with these weapons tend to keep moving and thus get their kills. It's what I love about the map. No single person ever seems to have the upper hand or camp a area (now that the shield door was removed). One night a team absolutly OWNED the map in Team Slayer. But the next game put them in their place HARD. Same teams, same knowledge of the map, and same gametype. The grav lifts in the center area do need a little work. I need to fix it so players aren't forced so high into the sky. But as for the noise they make when a player uses them...well I have no control over that. No map should ever have too much cover nor too much line of sight. based solely on the 6 play test I've watched on the Sapien, the map has a good balance. But those are usually the same players each time. I posted the map here for honest feedback from players I don't know. Players like you, Never. But so far, I've not read of any changes that MUST be made. Could you please be more detailed? Thanks
what i mean by that crappy sentence which i meant to say, "it looks somthing like you would see in the early days of reach" is that its just a very weird use of pieces and its somthing i havent seen in a while. but if you could just make more minor changes, like the shield door COMPLETELY changed up the gamplay and you want to have just as much carnage on the bottom of the map as you do top but i cant be perfect. add me on xbox GT: neverendinghalo
One of the great things about Forge is that it's peices don't have have to be used as what they were ment to be used for. For example, if you're building a race map, then the 45 degree bridge corner could be used as a arrow. Or the circular ramps could be used as a road. The possibilities are endless. Thanks to the contest, I now look at each map as Forge Art. Anything can be used as anything. As for keeping players on the ground area more, that's where other game-types come in. Headhunter, CTF, and Assualt tend to see more action on the ground then in the buildings or walkways. Thanks to placement of objectives. Slayer, Swat, Infection and a few others tend to draw players to the buidlings and catwalks. The only complaint I've ever heard was from Power Weapon Hoggers. Mostly because they aren't as powerful on this map as they are on others. We're always testing maps on Friday Nights. You should join us. We'll be happy to test a few of your's. We also try to break the maps so the builder can learn and improve. I'll add you the next time I'm on LIVE. I've already sent one FR before I posted this thread. Why did you not accept then?