Okay I had some major controversy on what I could do to improve the map for better gameplay. Gameplay was fairly good besides minor changes that needed to be made. Attraction to the upper plateform was not really strong because of the next-to-nothing cover up top. So this time around I did some changes to the power weapons and provided minimal cover on the center plateform. Enough for better player traffic but not enough for people to stay there. As for the power posititon there is no real definative position of power, you can utilize any side of the map and still have good LOS. Although the bottom area is quite covered, which directs people downward if they attempt to flank the enemy. Every position is breakable, I made sure of that this time, there is at least 4 ways to each position on the map, making it possible for a team of 4 to pincher an entire defending team. As some have recommended me to close off the lookout to center from base, I realized that would only promote camping and limit gameflow a lot more. One thing that is noteable is player traffic did have problems, so for top center I put the invis there. This way the risk is worth the reward, for immediatly you can easily get away or go around for a flank without being seen. every other power weapon is on the bottom flow to promote gameflow down below. the initial spawns are MLG style but I imagine this map will be just an arena map if anything. This map will best suite 4v4 to 6v6 because of it's complexity. I will need more play tests to see what is going on around the map. I have a way to calculate gameflow percentage, in which I am hoping for an even or close to even percentage around the map SNEAK PEAK TIME! BEFORE: AFTER: BEFORE: AFTER: msg Redemption1272 for game testing lobbies, I'll make sure to respond to you asap.
Definitely seems like an improvement. Although by the looks of it, the center became a lot more open.
if you didn't notice there is a LOS blocker in the center with invis in the middle, plus the bottom area was given a lot more cover from the top. The gap from each entance has also been shortened for smoother access. In truth, this atrium is smaller than the last one by 2 units in diameter. It is kinda hard to tell from only 3 pics, you would have to play it to understand the scale of the map. Although, since the map has so many pathways, I would not recommend a 2v2 on this. The level is complex, that I must c. admit and HOLY COW INTERUPT MY POST EAIGHTBALLLLL! GOASH! lol jk anyway yes lightmaping is dramatically better, plus piece usage is far better as well, with such a complex layout my budget is 3070 which I never thought I would get so lucky
Really enjoying the changes man. Map played much better today, and looked a hell of a lot better too. Didn't care for the CFT game though. Not my game type of choice, and not my style of map for it. Keep up the good work.
I really enjoyed the game we had on this. Other than a few wacky spawns the game was pretty solid. Great job so far!
MAKE UP YOUR MIND. Kidding. This is a huge improvement. I do feel like this is going to be a thing you do, remaking your own maps and all.