Well Fort Worth is a infection map. Zombies start outside and have to go there there tunnels to get to the fort. The humans start in the barrecks and can open the gate, go pick up weapons, go to the machine gun, or go to the watch tower. Here is the story: Fort Worth is in texas. They had the most trained military and would be the most prepared for any attack. But what they werent expecting was a zombie infestation. Everybuddy but a few survivers had died. The survivers had to keep fighting for there lives. The infestation started in New York, New York. Were a crazy scientist was expermenting with the human genes. He wanted to make invincible beings. He was testing the serem on animals. It had little affect on the animals and made herbavors into conivores. He then tested the serem on two criminals. He made observations over two weeks and nothing happened. He injected himself with the serem and two and a half weeks later the criminals and him started to infect others. Then it started to spread everywhere and the military could not handle it any longer. Now only Fort Worth has the last survivers on earth and they have to fight threw each wave to survive. Here are some pictures: Human spawns (barrecks) Zombie spawn (outside foundry) Gate to Fort Worth closed (its a switch, pick up costum power up) Gate to Fort Worth open Weapon line outside of Fort Worth Inside of Fort Worth Watch tower Machine gun Outside zombie tunnels Inside zombie tunnels Total ownage Download map at: http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=35739185 Game varient: Zombie Attack is a very good game varient that I made that fits this map perfectly. The catch is the zombies only have 10 lives, and there is 3 rounds. Fight off the zombies and survive. Download varient at: http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=35548199 Just to let everyone know that all of the pictures here are from the pre-tests and there has been some upgrades to the map. There is no more sniper on the map it was over powering. And there is more cover for the zombies so they dont die right as they come out. There are also a few other tweaks I have made so download and make sure you come back and comment how it was.
make sure you download the game varient also it works the best with the map. And it makes everything equal and fair.
You show many aspects of the map, yet I do not understand... A word of advice - Do not concentrate on the images labeled "Total ownage" and focus on the beauty of the map itself. This map could have the EPICNESS it needs by simply changing the pictures and deleting the ones that are not meaningful. If you have a screenshot you think is totally awesome, then save it for the "screenshots" forum. Remember, this is not harsh criticism. It is constructive criticism.
The picture accually shows two things one is the inside of the berrecks where they humans spawn. And one of the weapons that show to be very powerful but yet over looked. What are you confused about I could prob help.
holy shitake! I LIVE IN FORT WORTH!!! THATS AWESOME!!! its also funny because the actual fort wasn't there for more than 3 years...
wow... nice job. I noticed that there is an interlocked custom power up in front of a dumpster. is this a switch? If so, then nicely done. When I try to make a switch, it doesn't work well. anyway, good post.
Thanks for the comments and if you think there is room for improvement then comment back and i will look into it.
It took me about 1 and a half hours just to do the switch door. Overall this map took me about 8-10 hours. But this map was well worth the time and effert. To be honest all my friends love it they think its one of the best well balanced zombie maps out there to date.
If you guys can vote and leave a comment about the map even after you download it or not I would like to know peoples opinions of this map. Thank You!
This looks nothing like Fort Worth at all. Where is the cattle yard? and what about La Grave Field? I was thinking it was a super awesome rendition of a great town with a cool Texas them for it and I get zombies. Sad_Face I'm not a big fan of zombies if you can tell. I'm just showing my disappointment in the map name. P.S. Don't double post it's frowned upon here at Forge Hub .
looks pretty sweet man, love to see how many more people are using interlocking on infection maps now, its great
Ok for one i didnt mean to double post i ment to edit the last one. And for one i live in minnesota and going to move to arlinington texas after school ends. I found out that fort worth was next to arlinington. I was trying to think of a name for this map and i already decided it would be a fort. So i just put it as fort worth. And two the map wasnt suppose to look like the real thing and you cant just judge it because it doesnt look the way you want it to. If you want to make a fort worth map that looks like fort worth then make it and dont rip on my map just because it doesnt look like the real thing because it was intened to. And another reason i named it fort worth because almost all other fort names have been taken so you can back off.
looks like a really good put together map. I will try it out. And it doesnt look like one place is over powering the other.
Must agree with the clean interlocking, and I actually have not seen myself a map that contains a usable out of foundry area. They are all just instant death areas... I also am very fond of the infection game type, my favorite to be honest. So I'll always be a little biased towards infection! Great job, happy forging! ~Randle $candal