Dismay Created by xXI shyster IXx Supported Gametypes: Multi-Flag-CTF, Team Slayer I built this primarily for 2 v 2 BR no assault rifle game types. However, this is only built for multi-ctf and slayer. _________________________________________________ Overview View from A-platform View from B-platform Low-Mid A-Low B-Low _________________________________________________ This is sort of my first map so any feedback whatsoever will be greatly appreciated. Download DISMAY here
I say 2v2 because spawn kills could happen a nice amount on 4v4, but otherwise it is more up to you to play it than I. 4v4 could in fact play better than 2v2 depending on the game.
It looks like a map full of potential. i like the design, but I think you should go back and fix the appearance.
for a new member this is nice work ill dl and get back to you on Friday with a review. Friday cause thats when I'm not grounded
Finally, someone who posted their first map....correctly! anyways, nice post and nice map for first post. i would just make things a little neater and maybe add something unique to your map, theres not really anything original. 3/5
looks pretty good. a little sloppy in the middle but who cares? it reminds me of that one map on halo 2 i forget what it's called foundation maybe? looks pretty good but maybe a little too simple?