This is a map I'm working on, temp-titled Hole after the feature that inspired me to make it - a giant hole inside a tower right in the middle of the map. My other notion for this map was to make something kind of architecturally sound and viewable from any angle, even outside the intended play area; I got tired of making maps with lots of crap sticking out of them in odd places. I'm looking for a real name, and still in the final stages of the initial build (placing spawns, weapons, etc., as well as doing last passes to reduce object count and optimize the map in general). Testing to begin soon.
damn you always seem to have some nice asthetics to go along with the awesome asthetics, the corner 4x4, incline ramp large is awesome. this map remineds me of guardian
Lmao... I couldn't help but laugh seeing the title. There's a few words that come to mind which would be unacceptable, but they all run along the lines of: Orifice As for the map itself, I like the platform in Picture number 2!
Orifice it is! (OK, maybe not... ha ha ha) Thanks, I like that platform too. It was a ***** to forge - I don't know why I keep trying to make round things when 99% of the objects are rectangles or triangles, but for some reason I keep on doing it.
lol orifice would be suitable... the specific types of orifice that immediately jumped to mind woulnd't be
Looks nice, especially the centre structure and those railings on the circular portion. As far as a name goes, they're a bit of a deviation from Hole, but using the unlimited power of, I found Lacuna?
For callout purposes I hereby pronounce your round platform the "jerk circle". Or you could name the map Jerk Circle. Your call.
But there's two round platforms. How about whichever one you are closest to is "the jerk circle," and whichever one I'm close to is "the magic circle of delicious tacos and big ****"?
I had tried to make a map with an architectural style similar to this a while ago, and I never really got anywhere with it. I'll have to play this to see the layout sometime, but the tower interior and round platform both look pretty cool. I still need to play Beast more as well... For a name, how about something like Imperial ...or DazzleShaft, that would be a good one...
Call it Glory Hole, cos its glorious and still keeps your placeholder name But srsly this looks pretty awesome. Just hoping frame rate isnt an issue because creating circular structures with square objects can require quite a lot of items in close range.
Interesting layout, as well as aesthetics. Trying using the thesaurus on That website usually has great map names.