Hello GnA, how have you been? Me, I'm good, Just updating my deviantART for once. This is a part of a larger image I'm creating, share your thoughts for me? I will be colouring this later, and adding a background.
The waist section and crotch look bland and misshapen. Maybe simplify the stance or add some lines to accentuate? I know you could add one going from her hip to her crotch (not as dark so it's not like a bulge) to make it seem more realistic. Very nice job on the armor, though.
If you've ever played World of Warcraft you'd know proportions aren't too realistic. I intend to color it so hopefully that will help in adding a sense of depth and shape.
I was going to say, the depth looks out, but that's probably due to lack of colouring/shading. Awesome job with the armour detail, though.
The left foot is too big, and there's no right arm or even a hint that it's even hidden behind her, and her hip seems just slightly too large, even though it's in the foreground.
If you do know about art then you should know proportions are dependant on the genre and style, If I was treating this is as a real person the proportions would anatomically correct. Your close-mindedness on other forms of art is what makes me weary about any criticisms from you, but I give you benefit of the doubt either way. I was thinking that myself when I was drawing it lol, her foot is monstrous compared to the other. Also I intended to add her Bow in the background but I could not find a reliable picture so I figured when I coloured it I'd have references to it in-game.