
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by MisguidedDrake4, Feb 2, 2012.

  1. MisguidedDrake4

    MisguidedDrake4 Forerunner

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    Hi all. This is my first BTB map that I myself have forged. The idea came to me one day while playing some good 'ol Halo 3 on Avalanche. I decided that I wanted to make a map similar to Avalanche in the horseshoe shape, but also something like a smaller Hemorrhage with more cover and more classic Halo Gameplay. Ladies and gentlemen, I bring to you Inertia.

    For description, I'll start off with the bases. Each is a two level structure centered around the 'tower 3 story" object in forge. I wanted to make them more prominent and defensible so they are slightly raised on a platform surrounded by rocks for nice aesthetic effect. In the center of the bottom floor lies a spare DMR and the objective (Flag, Bomb, HH drop zone (more on that later). The second story of each base is the initial spawn and some respawn points, and there is no way straight up from floor 1 to floor 2, which necessitates going outside or having a jetpack to get up to floor 2 from the inside. This allows defenders to spawn in safety (most of the time) and drop down to defend the objective. Also on floor 2 is a magnum and focus rifle that each team can grab right off spawn at the start of every game.

    On each base's platform lies each team's central piece of firepower, the Scorpion. There is also a mongoose and a DMR leaning against a rock. On the opposite side of the 2-story building is another small platform with a warthog and ghost. These can be accessed either from ground level or one can drop down from a small walkway protruding from the second story (which also supplies each team with a needle rifle).

    On the high cliff wall of the battlefield, there is the main bridge. This is accessible via mancannon only similar to Halo 3's Avalanche. At the base of each mancannon lies a rocket launcher with no spare clips. At the top lies a needle rifle, frag grenades, and a health kit for each side. In the center there is a fuel rod gun (providing incentive to get to the top fast). There is also a small protruding bunker that provides a nice line of sight to the battlefield below.

    As for options leading down from the bridge, one can edge off and take a fair amount of damage, or one can opt to jump off onto one of the small "bounce pads" made with one way doors, that allow players to jump down and bounce gracefully back to earth instead of splattering on the pavement (I mean, grass).

    In the center of the map lies another slightly raised structure that looks like some abandoned ruins or something or forerunner origin. This structure has been damaged, but provides a lot of cover and tends to be the central focus of the battle. On the structure lies a DMR, a human turret facing towards the red base, and a plasma turret facing the blue base. There is also a grenade launcher and spiker in this structure. A neat feature for this central area is that some of the walls are made up of fusion coils, and are therefore destructible, adding a whole new level of depth to fighting for the center.

    On the opposite side as the center from the bridge is yet another raised platform with a sniper nest housing a rocket launcher with a significant amount of spare clips. There are also 2 plasma grenades on this structure.

    Between the aforementioned structure and the center are two mines. While this short route between the bases may seem like the easiest way to run a flag or carry a bomb, all but the most elite warthog drivers will be exploding before they know it, so take heed.

    Below the bridge on the respective sides are another main respawn area. Each team has a cluster of rocks with more respawns, a mongoose, and a plasma launcher. I find that the plasma launchers do not get rushed hard at the start often, but they are handy for dealing with any would-be-spawn-killing-tanks.


    *I find that this map works with anywhere from 8-16 players, but works best with 14-16 for crazy addicting BTB action.

    CTF- Multi flag CTF (works well due to multiple flag routes)

    Assault- Assault

    HEADHUNTER- A new gametype that I thought up. Big Team Headhunter. Score to win is 150, and each team can only score by collecting skulls and bringing them back to the bottom floor of their base. Works extremely well and is tremendous fun with competetive 8v8 action. DOWNLOAD LINK COMING SOON.

    Territories- 3-Plot Territories works fairly well, with each team having a territory near their base (fairly easily grabbed) and a central one in the middle which leads to some epic battles to control the majority of territories.

    Stockpile- 7 (I think) flags on the map

    Slayer, Team Slayer, and BTB Slayer- self-explanatory

    -----WEAPON & VEHICLE LIST-----

    *Coming soon*

    Be sure to check it out and play with friends! (remember, best with big parties of 14-16) and I hope you guys enjoy!


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    reach_26251493_Full by MisguidedDrake4, on Flickr[/IMG]
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    #1 MisguidedDrake4, Feb 2, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2012
  2. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Two problems really jump out at me here. The team whose scorpion survives the initial tank fight is going to dominate all of the map except the upper platform which only has enough space for one team. The raised vehicle platforms means a scorpion can take out the enemy vehicles before anyone can get in them from almost anywhere on the map, or cover them until they are stolen, and I'm sure you can figure out how two scorpions vs. nill goes down. Secondly the bases are a bit too austere for a map with scorpions that could make it to the other side. A strong base is an absolute necessity not just as a safe place for players to spawn, but to protect vehicles and a power weapon or two from being stolen by the enemies. Hopefully this helps for your future BTB projects.
  3. MisguidedDrake4

    MisguidedDrake4 Forerunner

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    I appreciate your feedback. I did forsee the Scorpion becoming overpowered, but I think there are ample anti-tank measures on the map to deal with that (blueberries and rockets right off spawn). I will consider adding more to each base though, and you're absolutely right on it having a power weapon or two that cannot be stolen. Thanks.

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