Originally this was supposed to be a co forge with Hydrolisis and I, but a evil thing called college took him away. Then it became a forge with 3 people. It was then Hydrolisis, Frenchys, and I. The basic door design and wrap around area was created by Hydrolisis, and then everything else was done by Frenchys and I (Could I say that enough?)
Good lord, how did I know Frenchy's was on this map? Get rid of all of those damn covenant crates and barriers, please. Frenchy's, if I see another covenant crate of any sort, I'm going to personally come to your house and smack you. (Kidding) Jokes aside, I'm really liking the use of walkways, large. I've never seen that before. How many players does this support?
I can third, I told him the covi crates everywhere was a no. As for players, I've only tested it like four times for teams, more for ffa. As on now it supports 8, kind sir.
Scenery should not be rotation snapped, and their crates don't fit the map. Use glass covers for the center walkway or remove the glass because windows look ugly. The rock wall also looks a bit unnatural. Some work with the lighting map or building elsewhere might help.
I wasn't kidding about removing the crates, but I was kidding about the smacking thing. I do agree with Pyro on the rock wall not looking natural. I'm positive that was the work of Frenchy's, as well. You guys should try to replace the rock wall with something else. I would love to make suggestions, but I haven't seen the map... Hint, hint..(Send inv)
Like I said, I wasn't a fan about the covi scenery that was going on in the map, I kind of liked the windows, but I can add another brace lg. I thought the rock wall looked pretty natural, but I'll just make it flat, and for rebuilding. This is my third time building the map, the first time I ran out of walls, second, I built on terrain, which didn't look so hot.
Aside from everything else mentioned, the map looks like one giant room. One giant, grey room. Add a skylight or a **** ton of windows. As much as this probably sucks to hear, I would recommend thinking up a consistent theme you would like to stick with throughout the entire map because by the looks of it in its current state, it seems like your goal was to use as many different pieces as possible. Start by removing those covy crates and barriers. I agree with the removal of the rock wall currently ONLY because theres no other spot on the map that has them, and since there's no sky/sunlight/grass/water they just don't feel natural and never truly will. Instead of constructing the map as what appears to be a single atrium, break it off into different segments that make it feel more separated and less open. Other than that, it's quite difficult to recommend anything because we only have a couple screenshots and no download link.
There is plenty more rock walls, I can't have it open because of the pieces sticking out. What areas would you suggest breaking apart, I have a pretty low budget. I'll remove the 1x4s, if it helps I can get a video walk through on the map. From all the feedback, it seems that I should scrap this layout or map in general.
...all of the "feedback" you got was on a few object choices. Minus Nibs' but his wasnkt even for sure because he's never seen the map.
A DL link would be the easiest possible solution. That way, we can actually walk around on it instead of trying to examine it from a picture/video.
I made some change : No more covy crate . I keep the covy Barrier at Hammer spawn , Add cover we it need . Change lift desisng , and i made all the rocks look more natural .
There's a major budget issue with that. He only has enough for weapons and stuff, breaking it up would just seem to disrupt the flow of the map. And lol, windows? the lagg is off the charts looking down the center as it is. Oh and Shik, looking great anyways.
I feel like this is more insulting than defending with the framerate being "off the charts.." and he didn't mean like glass, openings in the roof or something probably..
Aside from the framerate I like this map. I think I have played it 2 times with you, Shik, and nothing seemed great, but nothing really struck me as bad. I am however very...monotone (not sure what else to say- but that sort of word) about Reach maps. Few strike me in a way that I really like. However I do think that unifying the aesthetics (for instance as someone mentioned the rock wall seems just out of place- I am pretty sure its the only natural object in the area) and perhaps that rooming off areas suggestion (I think it was NIBBS who said it) would be interesting. This could of course require restructuring of much of the map- so I would save a variant version aside from this one if you do that. Also I do agree with the previous statement about the covy crates looking strange here. The peice usage doesnt really bother me though (but it doesnt excite me either). Anyway I do like this map, It's a fun one although it can use some cleaning up and possibly some re-structuring for framerate's sake. Also, I don't like rockets here- replace that with something else for a game and see if you like the change- I think.
The original concept was with no roof at all, but frenchy's inspired more from enclosed maps and threw one on there