Hogwarts Castle [BETA] Help Needed!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by R33dst3r, Feb 2, 2012.

  1. R33dst3r

    R33dst3r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Whats up everyone, I've spent the past two weeks recreating Hogwarts from the Harry Potter books/movies! There's a few Hogwarts remakes out there but lets face it, they mostly look nothing like the castle at all.

    I wanted to not only get as close to the look and layout from the movies, but have it as playable as possible as well including as many iconic rooms and areas as I could so you could really "explore" Hogwarts. A lot had to get cut due to budget restrictions of just making the layout of the castle itself, but I managed to get quite a bit in including The Great Hall, The Grand Staircase, The Main Entrance, The Astronomy Tower, The Courtyard, The Room of Requirement, Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, the main bridge, and Hagrid's Hut.

    I'm pretty decent at forging the aesthetics on the map itself, but I don't know much about creating great spawn points/systems. Thats where you come in. Before this is released as a V.1 map, I would love it if a few people would be willing to hop into the map, do a few customs and really help me flush out the map for great gameplay. The base locations are free to experiment with as well. They were hard to choose because the layout of the map.

    Right now the map is only set up for slayer and ctf matches (its extremely fun with free for all), but for the V.1 release I'd love to have it set up for most the other game types (especially Invasion, naturally) once a good spawn system is in place.


    Hogwarts/School grounds:

    Great Hall:

    Main entrance:

    Grand Staircase:

    Astronomy Tower:

    Defense Against the Dark Arts:


    Hagrid's Hut:

    Enjoy and keep me posted with as much feedback and fresh input as possible. Really looking forward to getting this ready for some incredible battles at Hogwarts!
    #1 R33dst3r, Feb 2, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2012
  2. hunEtER0121773

    hunEtER0121773 Forerunner

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    have you made the potions class,proffesor trywaneys class and the room of requirement
  3. R33dst3r

    R33dst3r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I listed the rooms above. The room of requirement is there but not the other two. I'd have loved to make everything but the budget just wouldn't allow. :p
  4. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Great job on this map! Some nice aesthetics and structure. I like you have the main parts of hogwarts. The grand hall and stairs. Would be interesting to see how this plays. Will take a closer look now!
  5. JakeMaster

    JakeMaster Promethean

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    Looks good, I will give it a download.
  6. Southern

    Southern Forerunner

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    It looks great, but if you need help, why didn't you make a map preview?
  7. R33dst3r

    R33dst3r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the heads up, got it moved. :)

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