"io", and "I" shaped map by xxAl Capwnagexx 4-12 players Map Download This map is compatible with Assault, CTF, Slayer, KoTH, Oddball, and territories. The map uses lots and lots of interlocking and merging into the map's geometry. The map also has several long lines of sight, including down the middle, on the back side of each base, and across from each mini base. *The snipers have two different respawn times to create a "strong" and "weak" side to each teams bases, as most fighting would go on on the 2 spare clip side, since the team with more sniper ammo would hold the advantage. Weapons/Grenades/Equipment List: x2 sniper rifles (120 sec, 1 with 1 spare clip, 1 with 2 spare clips) x1 rockets (180 sec, 1 spare clip. spawns in middle gap between bases) x5 BRs (30 sec) x6 plasmas (30 on mini base, 45 in main bases) x2 spikers (30) x2 spikers (90) x2 SMGs (30) x1 regenerator x4 frags Screenshots *All descriptions are above the image This is the front side of the base, and the bottom half of the "I" shape. Both bases are identical. On the right side (with the merged into the floor corners) a regenerator spawns. The back side of the base. This is where the flag/bomb/one territory spawns in objective game types. One of the two side bases. Leaning up against the right side fence wall is a sniper with one spare clip This is the second sniper spawn (2 spare clips). Note that you DO have to crouch to get to the sniper, which is why the shield doors were place on either side to prevent the player inside from getting killed instantly. This piece of cover makes for interesting game play.While the pallets may provide cover for a short while, a simple grenade or a few shots to the pallets can dismantle the cover, leaving you out in the open. This is another place of cover that can be destroyed. The crates are spawned so that the bottom spawns first and the top spawns last. This is to prevent crates lying all over the map. Two spikers spawn on the right side of the crates. This mini area contains a merged into the floor staircase, with a corner wall merged into the stairs. A BR and two frag grenades are in the corner. An overview of the mini base with the 2 spare clip sniper to the left in the picture. The fence walls are jutted out to allow the player to jump onto the dumpster, onto the fence walls, and up into the base. I realize that the fence wall is crooked, but when ever I tried to line it up correctly, once the wall merged into it spawned, the fence wall would fling across the map, sometimes with interesting results. I tried for several days to no avail. Aesthetic Touches The last two screen shots show "i" and "o" spelling out the maps name with power-ups. You cannot reach the power ups in-game. Map Download
Looks like it would be neat for MLG gametype. Looks fun But just admit it, that heap of boxes is intended to be a giant wang...come on...just say it...everyone knows it.
Hmmm... this map looks VERY similarhat to Al Capwnage's io map, what have you to say for yourself? On a serious note, this map looks well forged and you have obviously taken the time to hammer out the kinks and interlock it well, good one.
Nice job with the merging/interlocking, especially the staircase corner thing. It might just seem this way from the pics, but the map looks a little empty. Maybe add some more cover in the middle? Also, if there is a sword or shotgun on the map. Having those two shield doors so close to each other is camping haven. That's kinda why snowbound sucked, so don't make the same mistake.
There isn't any shotgun, sword, or mauler, so no need to worry about that. While I agree that the map seems open, in the original version there was much more cover, but the rockets overpowered the whole middle area. The wide open spaces around the rockets give people a chance to BR the rockets player before he can get to safety. Nope. Funny you say that, because I will be releasing an MLG type map, that I made sort of along side of io. I was going for an I shape, but if a "giant wang" shape will get me more DLs, then giant wang it is! For a second I was thinking,"is this guy @#$% kidding?" lolz.
looks like you used a lot of sloppy cheap tricks to fill stuff in, like stacking the boxes, and stacking the pallets, but it looks like it could still play pretty well so ill give it a try.
this looks really great. nice merging and interlocking. i like the destructible cover, the sniper cave thing, and the merged stairs with the corner wall interlocked to it. great job