I'm making an Oddball map and it seems that the even though I have placed initial spawns, when I go into the game everyone dies. What am I doing wrong? I have deleted all the default spawns and re-spawns.
You'll want to place a safe zone around the perimeter of your map. Also, be sure you don't have any kill zones down in the actual play-space.
Thanks for the help, I'll give it a try. I do know how to post pics. I'm actually decent at forging and Reach, but when I've made a map in the past I've a had a friend do the spawns and he is no longer on LIVE. I'm trying to get this map done by Feb 10 as I have a Xbox Playdate and will be using the map. I'll get pics up soon! Once again thanks for the help!
It could be you either have a Safe Boundary on the canvas somewhere other than your map, or you have a Kill Boundary over your map.