Shipyard Complex Created by Samurai Ralan Map Description Hello Everyone, first time submitter here. Today I bring to the table Shipyard Complex, a remake of Goldeneye and Perfect Dark's Complex. I will speak of both games as if they were one but really, it's more the PD remake because I've included that versions tweaks. I know the contest is for team, but if you play FFA the Original spawn locations are used, just a fun fact. I made this map originally as a Christmas Gift to my brother. Well after that came and went I finally got it done in mid-January ha. At any rate, I think I kept it very close to the original, with changes coming through in aesthetics mostly. It is more a map remake than a game remake, considering that the original game had no jump, had like 50 machine gun variants, and GD Dark Peace Sims! omg why did the tranqs still have effect after death?! That being said, the custom game type to recreate the atmosphere is just classic slayer with 120% speed and good luck trying to jump. Weapon Notes: Power: Their spawn spread is based on Team RvB. 1 Concussion Rifle 90 secs 1 Grenade Launcher 150 secs 1 Sniper Rifle 120 secs Human: 4 DMR 2 Magnum 2 Shotgun 2 Assualt Rifle 8 Frag Grenades Covvie: 4 Needle Rifle 3 Needler 2 Plasma Pistol 2 Plasma Repeaters 8 Plasma Grenade Up First is what I'm now calling Red Base, as you can see the design has really opened up especially around the map edges as seen here, watch your step! You can also see the Perfect Dark upper level area is accessible. So in studying that first pic your probably thinking, Samurai, what's with the GD Capture plates? And if you didn't well you are now. Those my friends are the hidden rooms from those levels, i.e. the grates, do you remember those? The only difference between this and those is that while you can be completely hidden, obviously can't shoot through them. The concession I made was to put the plates together loose so that grenades and stray bullets can find a path through. Here is the counter to Red Spawn (Blue Spawn, yeah you guessed right). The overview shot shows the basement area of the map belonging to blue. Note: that this is the only safe water on the map, so go nuts and throw a pool party already. Also note: this terrible screen capture doesn't show the actual water, fail. Trust me its down there below the 3x1's. Here's the Sniper Spawn on the map. This area if you recall isn't quite the same and the original. It use to be a boring little L-shaped ramp thing. Well I enhanced the location with the only prefab on the map, which I used only because I really believe it is the best piece for the situation. Here's a few more nibbles, after that you'll have to download it to see it all! Room near Red Base, you can see you can go outside and around from here. The Room, also now called Green Spawn, also called cower from Dark Sims room. Someone camping that doorway? Crouch-jump through that open window. (Note: then kill the guy, do not stop to celebrate making the jump.) Outside across-view of the map, I hope it looks amazing from out there because if you see that from in game you're a dead man. I'd like to think this map is 90% true to to original, any more would honestly take away from gameplay at this point. Remember the pillar room? Yeah the budget on that was insane and laggy, now its a dock full of crates and in the end they serve the same purpose. Or the addition of glass wall to see through campable areas, theres a lot of blind, tight, turns in the original game. In the end it's about the fun, so I hope you had fun reading this and even if I don't win, I hope you have fun playing my map.
I like the look of it, well designed, open yet somewhat closed kinda map. Interesting walkways with everything seemingly close together whilst different ares for combat, Looks good
I din't realy get a good "understanding" of the map just from the pics, but i will def download nd try later, looks like a fun, well built map.
Interesting. i've seen one other complex remake (which was fantastic), but having this open like you have it has caught my attention.
Nice man, I loved complex back in the day. I remade this map too but I re-imagined it alot to make it fit for Reach gameplay. That doesn't mean yours won't through.
I love your use of the Objective Plates as the screen doors! Brilliant! I was totally shocked to find out you can walk through them but not shoot through them. That will make for very compelling combat. I recognized many of the rooms even though I haven't played Complex for years. It's good to see more people bringing the classics back to life.
Good and interesting, although I have to be honest - I have seen better (Marcass version was incredible!), but still, this is really good! Keep it up with the good work!
Thanks for the comments guys. Yeah I mostly made it for my brothers birthday, happened to coincide with this contest so I figure why not!