Stadium is a small soccer feild stadium. This map/gametype is VEARY versitil because it can be fun for ANY amount of people, as long as you have even teams! Stadium is desighned to be used with the SOCCER gametype. The game is just like neutral assualt, you have to get the one ball on the map into the opposing teams net. Unfortuantly I haven't been able to find a way to keep people inside the "field" yet. Soccer in action! Download Stadium Download SOCCER
To keep people inside the should use all the scenery objects at your disposal... you still have dbl boxes, boxes, walls, double walls, bridges and a few fence boxes left at your disposal... use them as barriers just outside the permeable shield door arena
I like this. It's so simple yet useful. The stadium used for Grifball wouldn't be good for soccer, but this one could be used for both
I know it's kind of hard too see, but the fencebox/brige/bix thing in the backround is susposed to be bleachers, the map is kinda athsetic, real soccer fields usally don't have walls around them.
actually they do...otherwise fans would storm the fields...albeit the walls arent nearly as large as the doublebox: spartan ratio is
For now i'll put walls around the field untill I can find a better solution, it's not supposed to be a "pro" soccer field, its like a small sleepy towns AYSO field...eccept in the future.
but it should still be blocked off, because the shield doors are only ond box high, so the soccerball can be hit outside the field easily with just one swing of the grav ham.
i disagree the grifball stadium could be used for soccer and i don't think this map is all that great for the goals you should have interlocked the top fence walls its also too easy to get out people will just run out there and kill each other, even though they can't get the ball out there doesn't mean it should be open
I agree with the Sarge. You need to keep people inside the stadium and I can see the ball easily bouncing out of the stadium...