I once rebuilt guardian There are almost all jumps included GuardianEdge is perfectly playable weapons layout has remained the same as on the old map 2550 budget
This is actually the best Guardian I've seen so far. Efficient with budget and pieces, you even managed to capture the circular feel that most forge objects so fail to include without looking silly. I can see you've pulled ideas from a few other Guardian remakes as well, but put them to excellent use. The only issues I can even see there being is ceiling height in several places, like S1. However, the fact that you made the S1-S2 jump possible may be more appealing to players than the inability to jump without getting a concussion. I suppose it just depends on the player. And yet, more important than that, there is little to no frame-rate. If there is any, I don't really see it. Especially not like in other Guardians. I see you included a lot of inspiration from De Behr's (sorry if I spelled that wrong...) Guardian, which was definitely a good choice since I believed that up until now his was probably the most true to the original (though poorly forged) version. I even see some elements from the Guardian I made (gold jump) which I was actually glad to see. It's like you took all the decent Guardian remakes and made it into one, really good one that is both lag-less and true to the original. Good job, really, I'm jealous .
I have high hopes for this guardian. Your object use looks well thought out. I'll download it and see how it really looks
From the looks of the center stadium of the map, this might turn out one of the better renditions of Guardian. The aesthetics aren't bad either, for such a simple map.
There HAS to be framerate, otherwise it's not called a gaurdian remake. It must be good, if Res (creator of 100 gaurdians) commented of jealousy.
Im amazed at how you've managed to pull this off! I think this gets the award for the most economic use of pieces ever seen in any remake. Wow, I keep going back looking at the screenshots and just thinking, how did other people not see this before? Anyway amazing work, I think Im gonna go nominate this in the FHF. Edit: Can you save out a second version of this but with the all the same weapons as the original Guardian?
well done on this remake, by far one of the best i have seen yet. On another note I would like to add the ceiling is pretty low in some areas and it feels constricting under sniper tower. shotgun room feels the same way. I would try to raise the roof or lower the floor the best I can. Well done though, I expect many great things from you.
Finally, a DL worthy MLG Guardian remake with nice cruves. The middle platform is truly something to behold, it's my favorite part. Keep up the good work and you have yourself a fan.
I agree I see some simalarities to mine but I did mine purely off of memory so this one is more accurate but I still love mine
Like everybody said this is the best Guardian Remake in Halo: Reach. when i play 1v1´s with my friends it feels like back in the days. Well done man.
please tell me i can dl this map because every time i try to dl a map off of bungie.net it never shows up on my game i so totally want to play this bad ass remake best on so far