Well I was away for some time, so hello again. My reason is quite simple, while cycling in april my teamate and I were practicing for a race on some country roads; foolishly I turned on the inside of a steep banked corner. I was hit by a car, ****. I dislocated my right knee cap and snapped my wrist from my palm and toward my elbow for about 9cm, not to mention numerous cuts and bruises. I have recovered but am currently undergoing physiotherapy for my knee, my wrist was fixed in an operation. Should be another month till I can run. Still, I wont be posting very often as before as thats me. Cheers and never ever recieve an injury that involves using crutches for 3 bloody weeks after.
yeh, ur signiture is good, no excellent.... but take my advice and dont snap your wrist; heres a pain description. Large 'click clock' noise, then a feeling of sharp heat that doesnt stop till i was on gas and air. Also the sight of seeing my wrist pointing backward was well, unsightly! The leg was worse.... i tried to relocate it, however i made it worse and gave up when my dad arrived. I got to hospital and as i stepped from the car my patela which holds the kneecap in place and protects ligaments snapped (apparantly). god, i betcha i sound like a little *****!
dude. ow. i think i'll take your advice on this one. Welcome back. You should go start an injury thread.