The Mist

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Kronos, Apr 27, 2008.

  1. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    The Mist
    Game: Blinded

    The Mist

    • 'The Mist' is based on the movie that was in theaters awhile back. I can't vouch for it being accurate to the book though. Anyway there's the little supermarket thing, complete with the back room, (for those of you who've seen the movie) and the pharmacy next door, but in this case, since I want the main area to be the market, It's really just a small outpost. You can get ammo there after three minutes. Weapons in the back room of the market spawn after one minutes. Weapons in the main part of the market spawn at start. (respawn times below)
    • The zombies spawn randomly outside the market, spawn points are everywhere. After 45 seconds, they get a Wraith, but it can't move. It's mostly for fun actually. You can blow open the door with it if you haven't already, but you should have, you can get shots in near the top if you aim well, which kills the unlucky people standing against a back wall. (Game variant below)

    Assault Rifle - 2
    Battle Rifle - 5
    Shotgun - 6
    Sniper Rifle - 3
    SMG - 3
    Spiker - 3
    Magnum - 8

    Most weapons have 1 extra clip. Shotguns have 0 extra clips. One Br has 2 extra clips. (one BR is usable by zombie, also, many of the weapons are at the 'pharmacy' or small outpost.)

    Game Variant
    Zombies: Normal Shields, 50% Resistance, 125% Speed, 75% Gravity, 75% Damage, Sword and Plasma Pistol Spawn, Chance To Pick Up 1 Battle Rifle, 3 to 4 magnum headshots to kill a zombie. Alpha Zombie has Poor Camo.

    Humans: Normal Shields, 100% Speed, 100% Gravity, 150% Damage, Magnum Spawn, Weapon Pickup Enabled, 2 sword hits to kill a human, shields never recharge, Last Man has same Attributes.

    1) There is a small gap in the back room in the corner, humans can exit if needed, zombies can enter for sneak attacks, especially useful before entrance is opened.

    2) Teleporters lead to death, and then a spawn with the zombies. This is following the storyline of the movie where a kid gets dragged out and killed.

    3) Zombies can pick up the Custom Power up after two minutes, letting them pick up the Battle Rifle in front of it with 2 extra clips.

    The 'Pharmacy' or 'Small Outpost' holds weapons, it's outside the supermarket. But don't go too early, for the weapons don't spawn until after three minutes.

    5) The eight pallets on the fence walls can be destroyed and used as windows. They respawn every twenty seconds, the door pallets respawn every minute.


    ^ Overview of the supermarket. ^
    ^ Overview of the supermarket without the roof. ^
    ^ Closeup of the shelves. ^
    ^ Closeup of the back room. ^
    ^ Overview of the small outpost, bit run down, hmm? ^
    ^ Closeup of the zombie and the wraith. note the camo. ^


    The Mist
    Game: Blinded

    Sidenotes: I know it's tempting to just stand outside and shoot, but I wouldn't recommend it, it's fair enough so you'll die soon. And again, be wary of the teleporters, though if used right, they can help you. Spare your ammo, it respawns, but anything other than a magnum is a minute or more of a wait.

    Please Download, Rate, and Comment. Don't try and be negative until you've tried it. :)

    There will be a V2, but don't postpone from downloading this, most of the V2 changes will be cosmetic. In fact, all of the changes might be. Besides, it'll be a while, I'm forged out for a couple days lol.

    #1 Kronos, Apr 27, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2008
  2. shortspeedy

    shortspeedy Ancient
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    Haven't seen the movie but this map looks pretty good, but a human could get on top of the supermarket and make it really fun for the zombies.
  3. M3lLiS

    M3lLiS Ancient
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    Looks cool and I'm dling it now. Also, the format for you post is very clean and professional. I point that out, because a sloppy post makes people think the map will be just as sloppy.
  4. thelastsparten

    thelastsparten Ancient
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    very cool when i saw this in the shout box i was elated cant wait to play dling now
  5. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    like how u made the pallets resemble the closed windows.i never saw the movie but maybe you could like make a thing on the roof and be super duper lol nice map 8/10
  6. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    Response to shortspeedy

    To Shortspeedy: The humans can get on the roof, but only by jumping off the back wall on the outside, and the zombies have 75% gravity, and so can easily jump up and attack them, or maybe get a chance to use the wraith effectively.

    And thanks for the feedback guys, I wouldn't call it a perfect map, but I've really had fun playing it.

    And to Playahater, thanks for pointing out the window thing, I know it seems obvious, but I didn't mention that they could be used as windows in my post. I'll edit that in now.
    @ any mods who see this: I asked and I'm 90% sure that it's okay for me to post on this thread as long as its not right after another of my posts, so if I'm wrong just PM me, don't lock it =(.
    #6 Kronos, Apr 27, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2008
  7. Flame Sama

    Flame Sama Ancient
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    As long the map isn't as bad as the movie's okay.
  8. bigbigmac30

    bigbigmac30 Ancient
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    i was going to make a map of this but i guess you beat me to it, it looks nice, ill dl.
  9. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Great movie and good idea
  10. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
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    the map looks well made, but the only problem I have is that if a human were to go out side, one could grenade jump on top of the market, then grenade jump onto the crane, and they can get on top of it from there, which could make for an extremely cheap spot
  11. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    Reply to Gobbles

    I might be able to block off the crane, I'll add it to this post if I fix it. Thanks for pointing that out, the roof doesn't matter to me, but the crane could be a problem, but there is still the ammo issue.
  12. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
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    I agree that the roof wouldn't be a problem, but definitely try to fix the crane, because I can just see someone staying up on the very top of it waiting there even if they aren't getting kills
  13. cptncaucasian

    cptncaucasian Ancient

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    I loved that movie, the ending was kickass. And this is a really good idea due to the lack of movie-based maps out there. I set to download, ill play it when im done with my map.
  14. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    Replying/Info to future viewers

    @ gobbles: I never had grenades on this game, I really never have them on zombies games, so I think that's going to be the solution, no grenades. They're not needed anyway.

    Again @ everyone: Thanks for the feedback!
  15. Shadow Blink

    Shadow Blink Ancient
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    it looks really cool.
    my friend saw the movie and it looks like a good re-make
  16. Shadow Blink

    Shadow Blink Ancient
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    Pretty good!

    I like it
    my friend saw this movie and it makes a good re-make that would be really fun to play on!
  17. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
    Senior Member

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    please dont double post, just edit the first post
  18. LuckoftheMoose

    LuckoftheMoose Ancient
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    Hmmm, some-what difficult to make a judgement off the pictures. I think I'll DL it and try it out with my friends and get back to you. :)
  19. RaidBlitz

    RaidBlitz Ancient
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    I can't download it since it has been removed from Bungie's forum

    CANADAs ARMY EH Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i have seen this posted before here and i have seen tasty mango's his i like but both are good one thing there could be 2 entrances...people build tents and camp there

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