Well hello there. It has been a while hasn't it? I bet you're wondering what could this guy possibly have released now... Well I'll go ahead and tell you. As you can see by the prefix of this map post you will see that it is a co-op PUZZLE map. Yes CO-OP!!! That means that in order to play through this incredibly fun and completely amazing puzzle map you have to find a partner first. So as long as you aren't a completely lonesome person who no one wants to be around... I only kid because I love you (no ****)... you can complete this map. This map was made by yours truly and Explode9000. Now then with that being said, I present unto you... On Okay so now for the disclosure. Warning: This map will possibly cause yours or your friends brain to explode due to the awesomeness of the map and/or the difficult challenges that lay within. Game details So the way this gametype works is neither one of you can do any damage whatsoever unless you pick up a custom power up. As you can see by this picture, the custom powerup will turn your character yellow, thus allowing you to know when you can do damage. You can be on any team that you want to play on as long as both players are on the same team. The map is entirely complete-able, however you cannot do anything by yourself. This map has been tested by the following people: StingSniperWolf BeheId Blockhead573 Nemesiz1556 Explode9000 ManderA1 El Tech Ex and I apologize for not remembering the exact name, but I believe it was xXKaoticXx Now for the pictures This here is the starting room, you will need to visit it twice. And this is the HUB. This is the second challenge. A little hint here, you need to look for this arrow... Spoiler And this is the fourth challenge. Sorry but those are all the pictures I am willing to show. Well you guys that about wraps it up I hope you have as much fun playing this map as I did building it and if you need a tutorial you can download one by clicking on THIS.
A vert interesting Co-op puzzle that you made. I liked the idea of the map like the picture #3 when you made a box style thing and you put the one way shield pointing down and the blue layer showing at the top. I used to like puzzle maps like this one that you showed us. Unfortunely I don't like playing puzzle maps anymore. But this map puts me back into sloving puzzles again. I'll download the map and I'll let you know if I completed the map and how long it took me to complete it. - EpICx ReMiX XD
hey thanks man I appreciate a download coming from someone who doesn't even like puzzle maps, and I hope this map changes your opinion.
*Map Creator in his original post* "You need to start on these teams ____" *insert teams you need to start as* *Players of map* "Why thank you kind poster of this map, now I know which team to start on!" *enjoys map* No but really, do you have to start on the same team as the first picture suggests or not, does it matter, I'd hate to go through the map and have it matter.
Great map man! However after we completed the map I watched the walkthrough out of curiosity and pretty much everything we did was completely different to how it was intended in the walkthrough. For example: we didn't even use the grenade launcher or the sniper rifle at all, and we managed to get the concussion rifle into a room we shouldn't have had it. Here is the video of us completing it if you are interested: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details
no you can play on any team that you would like to play on as long as both players are on the same team. First off thank you for downloading the map I appreciate it. Second I will watch the video but are you sure none of it was the same I had people vigorously test this map and most of them make puzzle maps themselves so I am sure they would have found breaks.