REFUGEE V. 2.6 "Once a symbol of peace, this structure holds a timeless memorial to those long forgotten." 2-8 players It has been quite some time since I attempted a post on Forge Hub, now its time to bring back my very first successful project that has been sitting on my fileshare for say about 15 months. I wanted to post this map now so I can see at what the public thinks due to the fact that I did not know about Map Previews when I was still a rookie. This map is specifically competitive so the asthetics are going to be a bit hard to find and the map is kind of jumbled but many people that have playtested the map have agreed that this map is decent in gameplay. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This map supports Assault, King of the Hill, Slayer, Team Slayer, Juggernaut, Infection, Oddball, and Neutral Bomb. The map has several cool asthetics like a Halycon-class Captial Ship floating in orbit around Halo called the U.N.S.C Defender. Set near the water falls of the Lagoon, this map is a sort of The Cage styled map with nice little receiving teleporters decorating parts of the map. The backstory about the map is this is a relay outpost kept to watch out for incoming dangers such as asteroids and fallen spaceships on Installation 03 where Dr. Halsey was sent to after returning to Earth in Glasslands. This map is called Refugee for its memorable legacy of the Forerunners. Welcome to Refugee. SCREENSHOTS
Cool picture? I can't critique or give you suggestions with just one action shot. Maybe you could post an overview or a DL link?
Note: There are a couple of things I don't like, but I'm only basing it off the pictures, so if I get something wrong, I'm sorry. Some things are just personal preference though. First, I'll say that the aesthetics aren't very good looking. One of the first things I noticed in your pictures were the small antennas with the lights on top of them; that looks bad. Lights are good for team orientation, but if you use them they should be implemented into the map somehow instead of just floating somewhere. Are there any teleporters on the map? If there are you should definatly remove the recievers. The recievers could make good aesthetics, but by the way you used them it seems like you just threw them in random places across the map. You said the map was supposed to have a relay outpost theme, right? You should add aesthetics that fit with that theme so that people will instantly be able to tell what you were going for without having to tell them in the description. PP: Second thing is the use of premade buildings. They just don't play well. Dishes, even though they can make good cover at times, are annoying because they dip down. Premade's also aren't good because there is no easy way to elevate yourself to the next floor. The only decent ways up are with a gravity lift or a steep ramp like you used, which aren't good either because they give the person on top way too much of an advantage. I'll just throw this here, but the gravity lift in the 3rd picture is bugging me. Do you have to jump to get onto it? I think I saw some extended bridges in the second picture(?). Those aren't good because they don't give room for movement. If a player was in a firefight and they maybe jumped to avoid a grenade, they would be pushed off and fall to their death. Sorry, I can't really say how gameplay would be from the pictures, so a DL link would be very helpful. Also an overview, maybe a weapons list with timers and such.... If you do give a DL link I won't be able to get back with you until this weekend.
Ok about the asthetics, I almost eliminated all of them due to the fact that these pictures are over a year old, I have not found the time to go take more though so sorry. I used to have a kill ball which was eliminated the lights are gone, most of the teleporters are gone, the pre-made buildings since this is more based on gameplay the pics don't define the map well so sorry but most of the design was to enhance gameplay, the buildings really don't get in the way so sorry if that is a problem. Also the extended ramps and bridges could be a problem but I don't have any idea what to do with them so just try to suggest me once you see it. I really just wanted to post and see what people thought of it and what I should change to make the map ready for the real post in several weeks or longer if you want a better look here is the link: : Halo Reach : File Details I also want to mention, this post is for me to see feedback on this map. I want to know how you truly think I should improve on the map. <iframe src="" scrolling="no" style="padding:0;margin:0;border:0;" width="640" height="360" ></iframe> These are extra link is a video of the very first version called Marathon.
Ok, I finally got to take a look at this in forge and I must say, it needs some work. It has a lot of problems that can be fixed. I apologize in advance about my grammar. I'm tired and don't imagine it will be good, so this might be kind of confusing at some points. First, you have way too many steep ramps. I think every ramp, besides the two shallows, were steep. I know I said this before, but I'll say it again: steep ramps aren't good to have because they give the player on top too much of an advantage over the one trudging up it. The worst of these ramps is the one to the left of red base. It is at a larger angle than a normal 2x2 steep and it had good cover at the top. Since it is overlooking red base and basically 6 steps away from blue spawn it could easily be camped and abused. What you could do is just replace every steep ramp with a regular 2x2 ramp and remove any cover around the top of them. Second, there is a serious lack of precision weapons. I perused the map and only managed to find a dmr, a focus rifle, and a magnum, all at which were at high elevations; this is not good. Each team should, atleast, have a dmr and needle rifle somewhere close to there spawn. The weapon placement in generaly is horrific. Blue team has easy access to the focus rifle, energy sword, and magnum. Red team has easy access to a grenade launcher, 2plasmas, 2frags, a needler, a dmr, and I believe a plasma pistol. Does that sound very even? Not to mention the focus rifle spawn has a view of the entire map, including red base. Some weapons are also too close together, such as the needler and dmr. I could pick up the needler and with 4 seconds pick up the dmr, but there are some areas of the map that lack weapons. You should work on spreading all of them out more, putting the precision weapons at low elevation and close to the initial spawns, and having the power weapons in a nuetral area where both teams have equal access to them. Oh, before I get off the weapon topic I'd like to say something about the timers, spare clips, and overall usefullness of some of them. The timers seemed good actually, though I only looked at the focus rifle and the sword, but the spare clips also need to be cut down. Now about the sword; The map is so open and has such long sight linee, I imagine the sword will be absolutely useless unless one camps in the small, inclosed area it spawns in. Third, the map is too bumpy. There are actually parts where I have to jump just to get over them. When a surface isn't smooth it can effect a players aim by making the crosshair move, so that's no good. All you have to do for that is make sure each piece on a certain level has the same "height" coordination. Simple as that. Forth, It seems I was correct about having to jump to get onto the gravity lift in red base. You shouldn't have to jump to get onto them. Alls you got to do is get rid of all the stuff you have around it. Another problem is the shield door at the top of the lift. It's bouncy and like a bumpy suface can f*ck with your aim, so don't use it. Fifth, aesthetics, z-fighting, and all that are bad, very bad, especially Z-fighting. Z-fighting is when 2 or more pieces are overlapping causing them to flash. You have it everywhere. All you have to do is slightly move one piece behind the other. The other thing that bugs me is the pieces you decided to use, like the wall double's, which are very ugly and can be replaced with a much better looking 2x4 block in your case. The aesthetics did no justice in making this look like a relay outpost. There was nothing that could even give a hint of the "outpost" feeling. You had a random grass patch in red base, a ship that I never would have seen if you wouldn't have wrote it in the description, and random decorative pieces thrown around throughout the map. You could look up some "ralay outpost" pictures and copy the aesthetics from them. Sixth, too many bridges. I think I already said this to, but I'll say it again: bridges aren't good to have because they limit player movement in a firefight and they don't provide a sufficient area for cover. Bridges wouldn't be so bad if you had them over another part of the map, but most of yours are over water, so if someone accidentally jumped off they would be in for a long fall. I honostly can't think of a solution to this. I would just remove those and reconstruct those parts with more "dance floor" as some would put it. Seventh, the map is breakable in so many places. You did a good job of getting rid of some of this with killzones, but there are still many left. I'll just put this here; the lines of sight are to long. There are multiple areas where you can see across the entire map. You could add structures that break up some of those sightlines. This could also help remove framerate because there won't be so many objects on the screen at once. That's all I'm going to put. I'm half asleep, if you hadn't noticed while reading that, haha, but I hope that helps. I did not mean to be harsh at all through all that. If you need help in game feel free to invite me sometime and I'll help as much as possible, If I manage to get a game on this I might come back with more for you.
Thanks, this was the criticism I was looking for though it has a lot more detail than I expected. It was my very first competitive map and not my favorite map of my creations but I really just wanted to see if it is worth posting int the competitive section for maps. Anyway to correct you on power weapons there is a shot gun to the left in the garden area. Thanks for the long review. :happy: