this is my first real solid attempt at making a asymetrical map, for i am not that great at them! but i think this map is looking pretty good and balanced so far, it is called g. It is named G for one reason only, it looks like a big ass G when u look down onto it. OVERVIEW bottom mid, there is 3 doors in, and a lift to the top. orange bottom
Are you sure that G isn't short for Guardian? There's a pretty clear Guardian-esque design to this map. Looks decent but it also looks like a basic style of map that has been done to death already, between Lockout, Guardian, and the myriad remakes and re-imaginings of both of them.
Haha yea im sure its not for guardian, but yea i also know that alot of people have built this style map, but i figured it might be the easiest way to get into asymmetrical maps, and it definately does not play like guardian.
The only glaring problem I see off the bat is the man cannon in the 5th picture is off in the middle of nowhere.
Actually it is not, i tested this in classic as to where u spawn, either side makes it to the tower at the exact same time, making it asymmetrical, with a symmetrical flow. blue team spawns on bottom and head for the man cannon, red on top and have a bridge to the tower. [br][/br]Edited by merge: it was also made in a day so give me a break haha