It has been a long time since I have posted a map, mostly delays of maps that I thought of putting in a map pack. Fortunately I have decided to release all my maps individually as single projects to make it less stressful to build all these maps and post all at once. I am proud to present, Unbound, a map that has been thought about since the beginning of my forging career. Many of you will notice right away the covenant crates on the wall, they represent the image of the mosilium of the arbiter. Each one has been strategically placed for jump-ups and some tactical jumps for more fluent gameplay. Before playing this map I strongly reccommend exploring the various jumps so you can play the map better. The aesthetic design is something that has been on the drawing board for a while. This map has been tested almost 20 times and has been reworked many times. Now for pics. Yes those are two hands holding up the center plateform. Sniper spawn (150sec, 1 clip) / Center area Red team spawn blue team spawn Red hall Blue hall Grenade launcher (150 sec, 3 clips) Top center entrance Cloak spawn, 150 sec Plasma pistol hall (All plasma pistols are 75 secs) There is two sets of plasma grenades and frag grenades, one at top center entrance and bottom center accross the pit from the cloak. There is also 4 dmr and 4 needle rifle. note that power weapons only spawn on team slayer and they will be replaced by plasma rifle and spiker for free for all. Cloak although will remain. Enjoy everyone! Here is the link again if you guys don't like to scroll back up : Halo Reach : File Details
I will DL it and check it out, but from screens, I feel like connection is a bit of an issue. Will comeback with more specific feedback.
That's a good map that you built DHG Redemption. It's very clean forged and well thought out. I liked the idea of using the purple crates to use on the walls as a extra decoration. On the picture number #8 are those crates can be used to jump on from the left side to the middle and get up on the tunnel. Looks pretty good to play on with normal gametypes and MLG gametypes (Mayor Legaue Gaming). Good Job of building this map DHG Redemption. - EpICx ReMiX XD
I like the ideas put into this map from the pics the aesthetics look nice and same goes for the layout. I like your ideas you have put into this map like the usage of covenant crates phased into the wall allowing tac jumps and it will definitely make gameplay interesting and I can't wait to DL. My only problem is that the cove crates look a little risky to get around on because they looks like they a barely sticking out which will make it very dangerous to travel on. Besides that this map looks great
Looks pretty cool, Redemption. Some of the aesthetics are pretty nice. I'm really liking the middle design, it really reminds me of Guardian. The only thing that really bothers me, is the light-mapping(Displayed in pic #7). It really gives off a bad vibe and just makes a map look somewhat bad. I know you like to build your maps in cool locations, but please make sure the map's lighting stays more than 90% consistent. I can't say much about game play, but it looks like if could be pretty cool with all of the interesting jump-ups. Great work, man. I'll give this a DL and check it out for myself.
I played this last night with you, it's awesome!!! great lines of sight, spawning worked good on team slayer, the centre platform worked great too.
Agreed, and it was made that way intentionally. There is a risk to each jump on the map, some less than others but all the same the reward will be getting the jump on the enemy. Eightball, I do agree with what you said but I had some great gameplay that I couldn't pass up this map. In the future I shall consider location from now on and try to have proper lighting where it makes sense. Zxamplez, I beleive the pathways are pretty various and ideal for movement. During tests, the only minor problem was people were falling off the main platform when they tried jumping across to top mid. Most of the connections were pretty solid if you ask me, pathways are pretty wide and your not really running into anything. But still, tell me from what you see in gameplay, I think your opinion may differ after that.
just some positives and negatives I have for this map (from doing a forgethrough only). Positives: -The layout as well as the aesthetics are very unique. The whole "tilted" thing isn't my cup of tea, but it's still something relatively new to see -Very clean forging Negatives: -Primarily the main atrium. Aesthetically, I kind of get the theme; that idea sounds cool. But functionally, this suffers completely. I can imagine most of the gameplay happening outside the atrium, but both of those platforms look like extreme deathtraps. There is honestly no reason to want to transition through there. Even if the sniper plays well on this map, that is most likely not enough to force movement over there. Let's not forget to mention that there are two spawn points that force you to escape the near-most exposed and weakest point of the map. -Those jumps in the middle atrium. Like I said above, if the map is lucky enough for the gameplay to encompass the outside of the atrium, then those jumps have some potential. But honestly, I think there is a 10% chance of those being effective each attempt. And plus, outside the atrium isn't big enough so risky movement is forced. Suggestions: -basically to add cover in the main atrium, top and bottom. Not too much, but a little so movement is at least capable up there. -possibly replace the sniper with rockets. Rockets will encourage more movement and the map is likely more suitable. -I can't remember but I think I saw a plasma battery on here. Get that nonMLG ruckus outta here. That's all I can think of now. It is one of the more interesting MLG maps, but I personally don't believe that the middle atrium and those incredibly purple jumps work at its current state (for 4v4 at least). This is just me though, who knows what others think
Beeen, coming with some hard feedback. Good stuff. Let me just start with the covenant crate jump ups, and say that I realize what you tried to do aesthetically, but the mausoleum of the arbiter shows hundreds of "caskets" lined up in rows and columns, so it does not look like it very much. Functionally, it serves its purpose as an alternate way to get to the second floor from the center, other than the lift, but I believe there should be more "smooth" connections in the center. As bean said, the center platform is a deathtrap, and the sniper does not balance the risk of going there. This is primarily because each "base" has two levels, and the second level is the same height as the center platform. So I would strongly suggest eliminating the los from the second floor of the base to the central atrium, that would make the center platform more desirable. I would give each neutral section (central atrium and rounded balcony) its own control position. Close the highest window looking into the center and create a los over the rounded balcony from the platform. So middle platform controls the central atrium, and the highest point of the map controls the rounded balcony. This way you can't control the majority of the map from one position, you need teamwork to control both sections. Basically, I want you to remake Onslaught.
thanks, tbh I was expecting worse for feedback, as for the bottom platform, I find it is actually a safe route for booking straight across the atrium. The bottom isn't such a deathtrap as you beleive, for the top of the plateform on the other hand I can agree. As for the "arbiter" theme I tried to get it as close as possible without it affecting gameplay, if anything it improved gameplay. Player flow throughout the map was really good in general but some minor things can and will be done. Thanks guys, I appreciate the feedback. PS: I also flip those medium bridges over for better jump connection, also understand that those crates are alternate routes for the most SKILLED player, in which I will not change anything for the jump-ups for they help player flow so much more. [br][/br]Edited by merge: PS: I ain't no GREYLOT lol