I would like to draw from the knowledge of those who have made maps near the waterfalls, I had a new map idea that I wanted to try, but need to know if the waterfalls cause too much framerate problems. Would anyone care to answer this question?
yes it can impact your frame rate significantly. It depends on what you want to do, but in general i would just avoid any map that leads one to even look in that direction.
Actually it does not always cause problems for map making as I have made maps near the waterfall but they were only bad due to bad design as seen in these photos: This was when I was a rookie forger, I still have one map, the one in the last 2 pics but these are out of date so if you want some proof download my map Refugee and test the gameplay just check out my Map preview down in Refugee or download it here: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details It may have a small amount of lag but mostly unnoticable. Refugee is also one of my lesser maps so don't judge me for the design.
^...... Take Green's word. The waterfall and even having waves come up over a floor piece can effect framerate.
If one wanted the sound of the waterfall, could the map be built in the skybox, but near the waterfall and no frame rate would be given?
If you can see the waterfall, thou shalt have the possibility of framerate. If you can hear it but not see it it is fine, but many won't like that because it disrupts the sound and makes footsteps and drop spawns hard to hear.