Invasion Dust District Created by RegrettedKarma6 : Halo Reach : File Details (version 2) Gametype: : Halo Reach : File Details (version 2) Description: Under the fog of dust shrouding New Mombassa, Spartans and Elites clash for control of an advanced power cell which is generating energy for the crumbling city's defensive systems. Designed with fireteams. Loadouts are pretty similar to ordinary invasion. Okay let's clear two things up first. The screenshots I've placed in this thread don't showcase the map very well and I ask you to ignore that (please). This is my first map ever but please criticise all you want but before you do have a game on it or go into forge with it, I would appreciate feedback but I ask for it to be justified. I built this map for two reasons, when I was playing big team on this I thought to myself that while it was a lot of fun it didn't really encourage teamwork and I could maybe organise the chaos that was going on. Secondly I'm not that great of a forger(don't lose confidence here), so I decided to use breakneck as a frame for an invasion map. Version 2 Update * - Core location moved to back, capsules deleted. - Core plant moved to city exit - Awkward looking bridge deleted, new pillar replaces it. - Gravity lift to hotel balcony instead of a ramp. - Objective raised so it is not visible from below. Tier 1 Spartans spawn with the height advantage on the hotel/balcony/city exit area, their goal to protect the objectives(territories) in the freight hallway and the hotel. If captured they would release the security lockdown around the sector. Elites spawn down on the roadway with the goal to capture the objectives (territories). It's near instant action and it's really close quarters so don't rely on fireteam spawns because they're not that useful in this tier. Pickups 1x DMR 2X Needle Rifle Go with the flow:Connected dots are fireteam spawns, unconnected are backfield, arrows point to the objectives. Tier 2 Elites attempt to capture the two objectives near the monument so as to release the core located in the back power cage. Backfield spawns open up, Elites spawn where the Spartans did in the first tier and the Spartans spawn in the upper terrace and construction building. In this phase the gravity lift appears and it will be a common sight seeing elites taking it to defuse the Spartans height advantage as well as Spartans dropping down to protect the objectives. Pickups- 1x Concussion Rifle 1x Focus Rifle 1x Sniper Rifle 1x Grenade Launcher Vehicles- 2x Ghosts 1x Warthog Tier 3 Elites bring back the core located in the capsule to the highway for it to be taken away and disposed of.Spawns stay the same basically. Two mounted machine guns have been captured by the elites in the freight hall in an effort to cover the core carrier while the Spartans continue to exploit their height advantage. Weapons 1x Rocket Launcher 1x Plasma Launcher Vehicles 2x Ghosts (from previous tier). 1x Warthog (from previous tier). 1x RocketHog 1x Banshee Thanks to Kev and Corra for helping me find problems with it.
You are ReachCustomGamer aren,t you? we are going to play this if we have enough players, i already sended you some gamertags and your site.
Yep! I certainly am. The problem is that not everyone has anniversary content so it will be harder to get numbers. Also thanks for those gamertags I can't believe you got all those from a few comments. I'm going to reach out to people here about it too.
Agh sorry I didn't realise. I'll take this down and put it there tommorrow. I have to go to bed right now so please don't take it down until I copy/paste it tommorow, I don't want to make the entire thread again. I apologise.
Message an orange or purple person to move it for you if you want. If you need testers, go post it in the Testers Guild
I wouldn't be telling new people to go there. The testers guild is slow as a snail lately. If you want something done quickly you'll probably have to do it yourself.
It would be very hard to judge this map based off the images and description because I have yet to play an invasion game on this map and dont really have anything to compare it to. I would say that perhaps this weekend or in the days to come I can take a look at it in forge and then run some test games on it
Unfortunately true. Then again there are what, 5 of us, and we only have so much time. I wouldn't mind testing it if I had Anniversary (as I'm partial to writing invasion feedbacks) but sadly I don't, and I know Flamingo doesn't as well. Plug, recruit, plug, recruit, blah blah blah... For real feedback, Breakneck is hard to make invasion work on because you can't change as much of the geometry. Often it is mistaken that invasion and 1 sided objective are the same thing, and so work on the same maps. Invasions need for three objective sets however forces you to build a much larger map. By cutting Breackneck in half you may not be giving enough room for enjoyable gameplay. Basically, if half the map can't support 6 v. 6 with room to spare, it's too small and will be cramped.
You'd actually be surprised how much of those back buildings and streets are used. I managed to get a bit of a lobby together to test it. In the second tier I noticed the far fireteam seemed to travel the long way around in an effort to flank the defenders from the side and drop down on the objectives from behind and ghosts and warthogs clash around those streets to help control that bottom objective. I was thinking of moving the core right back to the back buildings behind the construction building and this confirms that it would be a good idea to elongate the map. My only concern with with that is where to move the core plant. Thanks for the feedback.