Ever since Halo: Combat Evolved I have loved testing the boundaries the space given to me to play in and exceeding those boundaries. Back then it was a lot simpler to leave the play area alive with the player although in those days there wasn't anything like there is no in terms of a sky box. Basically outside the play area were flat textures and little to no real geometry. Halo 2 arrives and with it a glitch revolution. Super bounces, butterflying, cloning, dummy-ing, XBR/YBR and like before I enjoyed leaving the play area and exploring. Utilizing super bounces and sword canceling techniques I would explore the outer reaches of Burial Mounds, Waterworks, HeadLong, etc. Unfortunately, as I did not have a capture card and these two early games had no way of recording imagery without one I don't have any images of these games to share. With Halo 3 came the invention of Theater mode and Bungie grew more clever with their boundary system. Now most maps would auto-kill you if you passed the boundary instead of just blocking you with an invisible wall. Bungie also someone knew these measures wouldn't be enough so they put invisible walls up all over the place just beyond the auto-death barriers in case people tried to out-smart the system. However, I found with enough banging up against barriers in theater mode I could get past them and explore the beautiful scenery that Bungie had for some reason modeled past where the player could actually see in the levels (The Pan Cam glitch I discovered later helped a lot too in Halo 3). This thread will be a gallery for all the pics I have taken "out of the map" on both Halo 3 and Halo: Reach and I hope you enjoy viewing them as much as I enjoyed taking them. As I can only fit 50 images in a post at one time, this post will only contain my Halo 3 pictures but I will get the Reach ones in as soon as I am able to. Sierra 117 Spoiler Crows Nest Spoiler Tsavo Highway Spoiler Storm Spoiler Floodgate Spoiler The Ark Spoiler The Covenant Spoiler Halo Spoiler That's it for now, hopefully I didn't explode the database with this behemoth of a thread. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Nightfall Spoiler Tip of the Spear Spoiler Pillar of Autumn Spoiler Multiplayer Board Walk Spoiler Countdown Spoiler Zealot Spoiler Forge World Spoiler Breakneck Spoiler Highnoon Spoiler Battle Canyon Spoiler Ridgeline Spoiler Solitary Spoiler Condemned Spoiler
Man I love halo 3, but Halo Reach is soo much more beautiful. The artists went out of their way to make this game beautiful. I love your pics because they show the beauty behind the game.
Amazing. I would add to this with my Reflection shots, but because I took them whilst offline it wont allow me to upload them to my fileshare.
These are goegeous, when I get a new map pack I died countless time admiring the art, especially looking at the window of Condemned.
In the condemned one, Reach looks like a killball lol. And I remember getting out of those H3 missions. The Green Zone, getting from scarab to mission start on The Ark, doing Floodgate w/out firing a bullet
these are beautifull i just shows what game designers can do if they put there heart into it. i am loving the rainbow on beaver creak
very neat screenshots, i especially like the 2nd one on Solitary- it's a shame that they didnt add bigger and more clear windows so that everyone could appreciate such excellent scenery without trying to glitch out of the map to do so... thanks for sharing!
Pretty much just the one on floodgate so far. but if you can get some high res version of the rest of them I would probably be adding more.
All the images from breakneck on are higher res images. Also all the halo 3 images are the same resolution as the floodgate one.