satanagog church v2.0

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by lglize420, Jan 21, 2012.

  1. lglize420

    lglize420 Forerunner

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    1st off I wana apologize to the people I offended in v1. I just figured the church being satanic would bring some comic humor to things, but if I'm the only one laughing whats the point. So now v2.0 is satan free!!!! :D :D :D

    It's not the only thing difforent, huge facelift here. The main cathedral has a much much higher cieling, nd overall the lv looks, nd plays much, much better!

    So here we go again:

    a side/overview
    the front entrance
    the new cross, hey it's right side up :D
    those lights again, blue this time to better fit theme
    if you remember in v1 this spot was kinda useless, now it's much higher
    the new rock alt. entrance
    the new fountain alt. entrance
    another pic
    the propain storage, hey churches need heat too!
    in front of the altar is a grav lift, only this time...
    [​IMG] leads up here

    Like I said, BIG BIG facelift. although it looks, feels, and plays a bit differently, it's still essentially the same map. It still has the balcony over the cathedral, just much bigger, and still has 2 side rooms with there alt. entrances.

    -I tried realy hard to get rid of that "blocky" feel.

    -I made sure people wouldn't get offended this time (sory I dont know when a joke goes too far some times)

    -the whole thing feels alot more like a church (eg. higher ceilings ect.)

    -games play more balanced, zombies are not spawn killed or "locked out" easily.

    So thanx everyone who enjoyed the 1st map, but I hope you like this replacement better :D If there is any glitchy camping spots found please let me know nd I'll fix. Also any critique is more than welcome.

    enjoy :D
    #1 lglize420, Jan 21, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2012
  2. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This looks 10x better than your v1. It's quite beautiful and creative, really.

    Are the stairs smooth to walk on? Or is it all bumpy and hard to get up?

    I'm going to give this a download and check it out close up. Great work, man.
  3. Daedalos42

    Daedalos42 Forerunner

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    I liked the first version better. It had a darker feeling to it. I especially liked the red near the cross in the first version. It gave it more of a Satanic feeling.
  4. lglize420

    lglize420 Forerunner

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    8ball - thanx dude, felt like i improved since then, some how.. idk, mabie just took some more time. the steps are kinda bumpy, but easy to jump over.

    deadalos - well the 1st one is still there for u to download, but give the v2 a try, yea it lost the evil look, but it realy does play alot better, + les frl.
  5. A DIRTY HOBO 59

    A DIRTY HOBO 59 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey very nice map :) thanks for being so considerate making a v.2 lol i'll download it and check it out for myself!
  6. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You really didn't need to change it just because of others, but I will say this version looks a lot cleaner than the first. The area in the 5th picture looks very campable though. I'll give this a DL and might get back at you with feedback.

    Oh and your not allowed to have.... uhh...
  7. Minion

    Minion Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Wow, nice job man, it didn't take too long, but you still did a great job. Now I've downloaded both of them!
  8. ryana1998

    ryana1998 Forerunner

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    By the look of the pictures it looks like a fun map. All I am worried about is camping, people might camp in rooms, corners etc. Although that is from the pics, i'll download it next time I get on the xbox and see what happens :)
  9. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The cross isn't upside down, I feel offended


    The map looks pretty great, I like how everything is colored blue this time instead of the evil red color effects you used on the satanic map.
    I wouldn't use the fountain again for your next map, things get overused quickly. Or give another twist to it.
    The main hall is just awesome, I really like the high ceiling. Overall a good job on this map.
  10. firedrone8

    firedrone8 Forerunner

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    I honestly didn't care about the upside-down-cross, but your first map had a coloring scheme that was not very appealing. This version seems much smoother, and doesn't have all the stuff crammed at the front of the map. It's larger, and has a better layout, but is there something missing now?

    And you should lower the lights down, maybe make it look like a chandelier.
    Since your raised the ceiling, the lights look kinda awkward smushed against the ceiling
  11. lglize420

    lglize420 Forerunner

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    hobo - thanx, hope u enjoy :)

    basket - didn't really change it bc "i was bullied by the cathlic kids" just figured if it was offending people, why not just make things a little different, it's still what i was going for which was just a church to take refuge in. nd what am i not allowed to do? lol

    minion - thanks, nd yea it must seem that way bc i pulled an all nighter on this. idk why but I couldnt put the remote down lol i think it was somthing like 11-12 hours straight with almost no breaks. my wife was so mad lmao

    ryana - some things are, but nothing too broken. it's alot lot more balanced then infection maps on the playlist right now i know that much lol nd the balcony can keep u alive, but once u r last man standing there is a lift nd 2 ramps (lil as they are) to lead zombies to you, so it's not like it gets that bad.

    rem - yea i won't "play out the fontain" I just wanted to make sure this map stayed true to v1 in some elements. thanx.

    firedrone - not sure whats missing, i feel the same thing, sat there nd compared them, can't figure it out. i rebuilt this from scratch from my memory, so yea there might be somethig missing besides evilness lol. The lights I had to make like that, any lower we would have zombies jumping into them for inviz, nd blocking the middle of them just didnt look rite to me no matter what i used.
    #11 lglize420, Jan 22, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2012
  12. CosmicJosh

    CosmicJosh Forerunner

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    Nice job on the improvements of the aesthetics, like others have said, this one is much cleaner than the other.

    Nice job! :D
  13. lglize420

    lglize420 Forerunner

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    artifact - everyone is chill mon no worries lol well u never will kno if u dont.

    grunthunter- thanx dude

    josh - thank u.

    if anyone has any sugestions please let me kno, ill listin. i was thinking of making the balcony lower or taking out the front window nd making a lift for zombies to enter or doing both. not sure yet, what do u guys think?
  14. EpICx ReMiX XD

    EpICx ReMiX XD Forerunner

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    The verison number #2 is much better than the first one. I say that because the first one has a dark feeling to the map and most of the posts saying the word "offended". Now you changed the feel of the map and the way you built it. Like the inside of the church is different than the first one. Light feeling to it and please tell me if I'm wrong but you built it in a different area. I liked the detail on the map and looks good to play on. Great Job of building it. - EpICx ReMiX XD
  15. lglize420

    lglize420 Forerunner

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    thanx man, yea i feel like my skills have improved, still wana keep improving them tho. working on another map now, but will take a while to get the way i want. nd same area, just different angle so i could make church bigger. looked threw threads nd found out mad people have made churches b4 me, i didn't know, even tho most are more graveyards then actual churches. my next map in the works i think is gana b a 1st 4 forgehub
  16. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

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    Well, you defiantly made it less "blocky" (hehe) . Looks actually REALLY clean, and +1 for "Satan-free" lmao.

    I'll download though, I'm curious of how the map would play out

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