D-Day Invasion A NEW KIND OF MAP WARNING: This map has breached the boundaries between competitive maps and aesthetic maps. How, you say? Well, the difference between all other maps and mine is that all maps have all been classified under one kind of map. Maps are either competitive and fair, or they are made to look like something, while only being able to maybe host a slayer match. Well, my take take on D-Day has looked at those barriers, sized them up, and smashed them to pieces. I give you, a working Invasion replica of D-Day, that is specifically crafted to match the realistic qualities of D-Day, while still maintaining a FAIR and fun D-Day. (Some pictures are mouse-over) The match starts out with the beach landing, obviously. The first phase is made of capturing either one of the two objectives, labeled by the red "O"s. The Elites spawn on the beach until round two. All spawn zones are labeled by the emblem of either side, along with the phase number or "I" for initial spawns. The Spartans spawn in the little cave outlet around the corner, while the Elites spawn on the beach (until phase 2). The artillery fires a little in front of the base entrance on the beach side. [mouseoverimage=http://i1075.photobucket.com/albums/w430/PurePoop/phase1.jpg]http://i1075.photobucket.com/albums/w430/PurePoop/reach_26213277_Medium.jpg[/mouseoverimage] The second phase requires the Elites to capture one of the two pillboxes. The pillboxes are labeled by the red "O"s. The Howitzer artillery (made by HikingAdounut and labeled by blue "A"s) are pictured at the top and bottom. The top artillery is two artillery guns made to fire in and around the pillboxes. The bottom artillery fires in front of the beach outpost. [mouseoverimage=http://i1075.photobucket.com/albums/w430/PurePoop/phase2.jpg]http://i1075.photobucket.com/albums/w430/PurePoop/reach_26213278_Medium.jpg[/mouseoverimage] The third phase is the classic core capturing. You have to take the core (labeled by the red "C") from the **** base, and take it back to the beach. As a part of v5.2, I added in a lot (a LOT) of rocks, that are useful for cover while returning the core. [mouseoverimage=http://i1075.photobucket.com/albums/w430/PurePoop/Phase3base.jpg]http://i1075.photobucket.com/albums/w430/PurePoop/reach_26213270_Medium.jpg[/mouseoverimage][mouseoverimage=http://i1075.photobucket.com/albums/w430/PurePoop/phase3beach.jpg]http://i1075.photobucket.com/albums/w430/PurePoop/reach_26213265_Medium.jpg[/mouseoverimage][mouseoverimage=http://i1075.photobucket.com/albums/w430/PurePoop/phase3base2.jpg]http://i1075.photobucket.com/albums/w430/PurePoop/reach_26213268_Medium.jpg[/mouseoverimage] And that, my friends, is the end of a hard fought battle. After the blood, sweat, and tears of defending the core, or attempting to capture, you get to do it again. This time, on opposite sides. The following is a complete weapons guide Spoiler Weapons=RED Vehicles=BLUE Health=White Weapons: (ALL weapons spawn with 0-1 extra clips, except grenade launcher and Assault Rifle) D = DMR Sh = Shotgun SR = Sniper G = Grenade Launcher R = Rocket Launcher A = Assault Rifle Vehicles: M = Mongoose W = Warthog (default; 2nd phase) W (AA) = Rocket Hog (immovable; used as Anti-Aircraft) F = Falcon (3rd phase) T = Tank (3rd phase) [mouseoverimage=http://i1075.photobucket.com/albums/w430/PurePoop/phase1w.jpg]http://i1075.photobucket.com/albums/w430/PurePoop/reach_26213277_Medium.jpg[/mouseoverimage] [mouseoverimage=http://i1075.photobucket.com/albums/w430/PurePoop/phase2w.jpg]http://i1075.photobucket.com/albums/w430/PurePoop/reach_26213278_Medium.jpg[/mouseoverimage] [mouseoverimage=http://i1075.photobucket.com/albums/w430/PurePoop/phase3W.jpg]http://i1075.photobucket.com/albums/w430/PurePoop/reach_26213270_Medium.jpg[/mouseoverimage] Current Version: v5.2 Original
I am sorry but this map looks a little rushed the only reason I am saying that is because a lot of this map looks kind of sloppy. I am just wondering but do you use rotation snap or edit coordinates at all because if you did this map cold of come out a lot better besides that good job.
Yeah, i do use that stuff. My friend made the pillboxes, and they aren't perfect, i know. Also, the american weapons base thing that is one of the first objectives was made by my other friend and i kept it there to save his feelings. I will go back and smooth it all out in the next version. But thanks for the input, it helps me make my map better. I am also going to just delete that building in the next version and fix the pillboxes.
Ill be willing to give you a proper, thorough review if you give me permission. It may come off as harsh, but I feel it would be very insightful. All I can say now is that the map doesn't really belong in the competitive, it should be in casual.
I agree with berb. As it stands, this map is nothing but casual. If you want to take this map furthur, you need to research and understand the foundations of a good invasion map. Berb has figured most of this out by himself, so he knows what hes talking about. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-reach-forge-discussion/116277-invasion-conceptualization.html
I would be fine with a review. like i said, critiques on my map can only make it better, right? Also, i don't think it should be casual. I thought long and hard about my map about how it should play to be a completely fair competitive map. so, i do not in any way think it is casual. Although, i did go through my map, and at some things just went, "what the heck was i thinking?" The new version will have a looooot of improvements along with smoothing out some rough parts. But please tell me why you think that, and i can see if maybe casual would be the best "description", so to speak. And i have heard you are very good with invasion maps, so tips from a pro would be great! Thanks!
The review shall be up tomorrow, merged with this post. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Ok, here's all the things I came across when forging through the map. I'll sort them into subsections to make it easier to read. Pictures will be added.Phase 1 Structures and Aesthetics Spoiler - Having the boats as your initial spawns for attackers is a good idea, but that is the only purpose they should really serve. They are very small and enclosed, so any spawns or objective capture zones *cough* would be issue-stricken. I wouldn't necessarily put a lot of budget into them either, because once again they aren't used much. - The boat stoppers, (the things made out of the railings) are good to stay. Maybe think about using them as cover pieces when you look at spawns and pathing, but otherwise there isn't any problems. - The spiky "fence", if you could even call it that, pretty much needs to be deleted. It seriously cripples the map in all areas: It uses way too many pieces and budget To be frank, it looks like poop It hinders the attackers when trying to push up, literally making them easy pickings. Cuts off some path opportunities Is purely frustrating to maneuver through. It would be perfectly fine to maybe put up some small walls or barricades in areas, but not across the entirety of the beach. - I'm a bit indifferent on the turret placement. There isn't really much game-breaking about it, but it looks sloppy an out of place. I would argue that you go through it again and revise structurally. - The objective buildings pretty much need to be moved and rebuilt. Both have the same underlying issues with fairly simple solutions: Way too campable; too many choke-points. This problem arises when using very tight, enclosed structures like you have done. One possibility when rebuilding is to alleviate this problem is to stay away from making Hemorrhage-style bases, especially using the Bunker_Round piece. One trick I use is that if I am doubtful how to build a structure, I never put a roof on it. Don't put weapons inside the objective buildings. The idea is that the defenders try to push in and contest neutral areas, NOT camp at the objectives with powerful weapons. IMO, the bases look a bit poopy. Try and make your structures simple and smooth. Defensive structures in WW2 were basically concrete walls and bunkers. All the same light-ish grey color. Maybe you should try and create your own base structural style, so everything will a bit more connected and belonging. - I would also recommend that you rethink and revise the placement of the assorted rock structures to make them look better. Spawns and Pathing Spoiler - As I stated earlier, the initial spawns for the attackers are fine as they are. - The initial spawn setup for the defenders was very odd. Spawning them at the other end of the canyon essentially ave the attackers a first phase victory right off the start. I would recommend the defenders spawn near their fireteam spawn points, as in Boneyard or Spire. - One main issue with spawning is that you neglected to use a fireteam setup. Using fireteams is FUNDAMENTAL to any invasion map. I think I showed you how to create a basic fireteam system for your first phase spawns In case you forgot: *Creating a Fireteam spawn* First, place a hill marker where you would like your spawn to be. Remember, the small spawn point on the hill marker signals where the 'spawn camera' will face. Then, you need to label the spawn: Press x to open up the marker's menu Enter the Advanced section Give it a gametype label of INV_RES_P1 (P1= Phase 1) For Fireteam 1, set spawn sequence = 0. Fireteam 2 = 1 and so on. You CANNOT overlook this. It is vital that you create a similar setup for your defenders phase 1 also. The fireteam system you build will dictate where the players move through the map (pathing). - On the topic of paths in the map there is but one truth: there aren't any. You will need to make some yourself with the span system you are building. Use sprint distancing to decide where your cover structures, neutral grounds, objectives and spawns are going to be. All of this takes thought and planning so don't rush. - Don't forget vehicle pathing as well. One thing iv'e learned is that vehicles need a lot of defined space to roam around freely. Warthogs and Wraiths especially needs tonnes of space so that they can successfully fulfill their roles. Currently you don't really have any defined vehicle paths, and have a bit too much open space. You need to make sure that infantry can move around just as well as a vehicle. Weapons and Vehicles Spoiler - As previously stated somewhere, I don't personally enjoy the locations of your weapons first phase. In other words, don't have them in and around the territory area. If you're going to give defenders weapons, put them near the fireteam spawns, out of the way. You can use the same logic when deciding attacker weapons. You also should think about removing the grenades and health packs from the territories. The grenades will just cause too much trouble with spam, framerate drops, etc. Your attacker health packs should be situated in either the neutral areas you create or your cover areas. - I have only one stand on Phase 1 vehicles: there shouldn't be any.