From Walshy's MLG blog........... LOL! I am in love with forge and making maps, but there is no way in hell I am doing this for that. I learned in about 5 hours. So can the "great Walshy".
Doesn't that guy actually make money in the MLG? All he can afford as compensation is a couple of measly gift cards that someone else got for him? LAME
I'm not really interested in the gift cards, I'm interested in his ideas for map design as a professional gamer. I like his style of play, and I think it would be fun.
LOL @ Onslaught v73. I don't understand how professional players can spend so much time on Halo 3 and not even once look at Forge. WTF. It's the best part about Halo 3 and they took literally no interest in it.
Those gift cards seem pretty crappy and seeing as there will be like 9,999,999,999,999 people trying to get in on this doesnt seem worth it
Boo onslaught haters (n00bs), hooray beer. Shock you should try and help him, although it likely he's already in contact with some of the MLG forge forum masters (SaLoT, Nexn, Baron Saturday, Kon Arti5t, etc.) Still I'd like to see some of the better forgers here attempt an mlg map.
You guys do realize if Shock does start working with Walshy there is going to be a flood of mlg fans here wave 9 anyone?
MLG is not bungie as far as size goes. most people over there interested in forge already know about forge hub. This forum isn't even affected by waves anymore.
...Kon Artist? The guy who placed respawn areas down containing approximately 0 respawn points? He's going to have a LOT of messages about it, but we'll see what happens, eh?
LOL he's not as smart or as good as he thinks he is but he makes really good FFA maps. I was just giving examples of good forgers Good luck though
I don't hate Onslaught (although it could be better), I hate the 1756 mlg maps made after it that are essentially the same map. Maybe he's got some original ideas though.. I guess time will tell.
LOL, but he used an algorithm... It would be interesting to see what an exceptional player like Walshy has in his mind as to what a good MLG map would be. I'd hate to be his inbox, though.
I doubt you've seen this then: That is one beast of an ffa map. I don't hate Onslaught (although it could be better), I hate the 1756 mlg maps made after it that are essentially the same map. Maybe he's got some original ideas though.. I guess time will tell. The new onslaught in MLG v5 is way better. I do agree with you, someone over there commented that the though process on mapmaking tended to be: 2 bases, pathways around sides, something in middle=mlg? That got really annoying with the rare exceptions (Lockdown, Legacy, Amplified) Thankfully people over there have realized the folley of designing maps that way, and the community essentially created an asymetricalish Chill Out inspired which is amazing I'm sure Walshy wouldn't want to create a boring and simple map.