Holy crap. you've been gone forever, It's great to see you back. On the signature, it looks great. Very professional, composed well, and the effects are spot on. Coloration is grand. The only thing I'd tweak is flow, lighting, and mayyybe depth, though the depth is still very good.
If the A7X writing was intended to go behind his arm, specifically, the 7, then you erased that part wrong... there's leftover. And if it wasn't intended, it just looks kinda sloppy. Depth is alright, but it could use some emphasis either on the guy playing or the writing, since I'm unsure which is the focal. Lighting needs some work as well, as RST said. Darken the background a bit and maybe add a lightsource so it's not all dark.
To me the wireframe C4Ds dont really seem to blend in very well, they feel sorta artificial, and they detract from it for me. Also, basically what they said for lighting. Otherwise I like it.
mmk, thanks. The writing is another image I didnt erase any of it just kinda layed it over, but I can see what you mean now. Thanks. Yeah I agree after looking at it, doesn't blend amazingly well, thanks.