
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by The Fish, Jan 23, 2012.

  1. The Fish

    The Fish Forerunner

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    Abstract is a small 4v4 symetrical map set in the quarry (I know, I know, I will start using a different playing space for my next map.)

    I think this map is in its final stages, there have been versions with more cover in the center sightlines and then there is the version I have. I have gotten complaints to get rid of/add more cover so many times that I've just given up pleasing everyone, and gone with what I want, the streamlined/little cover version.

    There are 2 snipers 2 min spawn with no extra clips, and one grenade launcher with 90 sec spawn and 4 shots total.

    The name is tentative, if you have anything better please say something.

    I shall have the final product posted before 28th.


    Nice overview/FFA camera

    This would be blue camera, It shows off where the key weapons are and a bit of blue base.

    Ramp side blue base, Initial spawn is on that grass patch inside the base.

    Blue sniper spawn jump up, it's not an easy ramp like blue team has but if you are red you can get up there, it just takes some jumping.

    Front of blue base, flag and bomb spot is on the top floor in the center.

    Red base small hanger side, there is a rock ramp to the left side, I nice sneaky way into the base.

    Grenade launcher spawn/center structure. There are small rock jump ups on the sides.

    I need more testing before I release the final version. Please tell me what you think.
  2. Silentraine

    Silentraine Forerunner

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    I think it looks pretty nice, I like your use of pieces and think you have a good train of thought on your projects. The only thing I spot currently on what you've built that I'd change is the brace large cover at the blue and red side ramps. A column type or forerunner style cover design would look much better and function better as cover. It reminds me mostly of a more streamlined and forward version of Sanctuary or Asylum. Also adding a few Columns, typically block 1x talls or 1x4s in the more open spaces of the map could benefit it in both theme and cover.

    You can go with the ruin style appearance and angle the columns and lower them as if there being over taken by the wilderness. Could also add some scenery pieces to it if you have the budget, to give it a more alive feeling and more cover in some ways.
    Hopefully you understand what I mean, and dont take it as you dont have enough cover or such, I just think itd help the map look more unique :).
  3. xDTx Kaos

    xDTx Kaos Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    What! Where's my instant spawn rocket? Haha. Anyway I like what you did with the sniper platform it looks alot better. The bases are very cool! I enjoyed spamming rockets at berb. Overall good map.
  4. The Fish

    The Fish Forerunner

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    IMO: Gameplay > Aesthetics I found that having less cover in the center pathways actually improves gameplay. In a map with 2 snipers, do you really want a bunch of close quarters situations? No you want some nice sightlines. Which also plays into the favor of people who like DMR/needler/needle rifle battles.

    Thank you for the idea about the column instead of the brace large at the sniper ramps, I shall experiment to see what looks good there, but still provides adequate cover, and of course fits the slightly minimalistic theme of the map.

    And yes DT, for some odd reason I set the rockets to insta spawn... But so far I'm liking the way the grenade launcher works, with the low starting ammo sniper It makes the weapons feel more like helpers for a couple kills, but more focused on the DMR battles, I like it.
    #4 The Fish, Jan 23, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2012
  5. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This looks a lot better than before. the actual structures in the center look far nicer than the stupid rocks you had before, and opening the bases up should allow the map to feel more connected throughout. I'll have to play this soon.
  6. FriedFoodStuffz

    FriedFoodStuffz Forerunner

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    Is this the map shoe and I forged through? If so, then you are definitely on the right track with this one. The new center is much more practical, and the bases have a nice open feel to them. I am getting a sorta "Beaver Creek" feel from this, but don't exactly know why.

    I still think you should lower the rocks at the edge of the quarry to allow players to look out into forgeworld, though. But that's just my opinion.
  7. The Fish

    The Fish Forerunner

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    Eh, opinions. I just wanted to sort of mirror the natural rock wall on the other side, but just enough so that it doesn't look like a cluttered wall.

    My original plan to have this sucker posted by the 28th is gone, mainly because I haven't got ONE good test on it since I posted it ;_;

    If I do get tests on it and I'm happy with it I will post on Monday.

  8. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I enjoyed playing this map in our limited lobby tonight. The objects you used were framerate friendly and the center area, housing the grenade launcher, had a very good RvR factor.

    One of the problems I had was with the jump ups at that end of each team's sniper base. They were quite difficult and annoying to get up because they required more than two jumps. The other jump up was the rock ramps that were on the side of each base. They didn't require a jump, but since the area in which you could cross from it and the base was so minimal, you would almost always jump.

    Another problem was the LoS from the top of each base. From certain points a player could see a whole side of the map. An experienced sniper could take down the whole opposing team if they were to camp up there, as demonstrated by our good friend redemption.

    I don't remember exactly whether it was during the CTF game or not, but one team was spawning in the other's base. You could use respawn zones or move the nuetral spawns furthur away from each base.

    I don't know about others, but the needler had absolutely no use to me. I picked it up once or twice and didn't manage to kill anybody with it. Maybe it was because I had a bad game though.

    The last thing, though I think you already know, is that the map is breakable. On the top of blue base, one can jump on that rock cliff and then sprint jump their way to the very top of the base. There wasn't any cover up there, but I basically gave the player a view of the entire map.

    I think that's it. All in all it's a great map with lots of positives. They are there, I just don't feel like mentioning them. Oh wait, please remove invis as a loadout! Have to say this!

    PS: You know the ramps you used going up to the sniper base? You could put banks on the side and make them look much better. That's irrelevant though.
  9. xdemption

    xdemption ATN
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I do think you have a creative design, and i was possibly over-zealous, but I would recommend some other power position becuase I found that many people sat in the bases and player flow was pretty poor unless you were going for weapons. You really couldn't traverse across without getting shot at from any which direction. In all honesty, re-design mid so traversing through won't be as open as is. also consider redesigning the hieght you have the bases at, having both bases with such high vantage points promotes poor traffic flow and slow gameplay.

    What I said the night before I may have blurted out too much, overall I had thought the design was very creative, Aesthetics are good but not amazing. Connections on the side of the bases felt limited because each of them were in different places. As for the tactical jump, I believe that can be left as is because it would be too easy for the any team to get both snipers and that is something you should avoid.

    With all that being said, good work. I know it may not seem like I am saying that but I commend you for working hard to make a map. Your obviously not like other forgers who have no idea what they are doing, this is why I am trying to give you the best critique I can possibly give so you can continue to improve. Good luck and I hope all I have said helps. Give me another invite when you do more game testing. - Redemption1272
  10. FriedFoodStuffz

    FriedFoodStuffz Forerunner

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    I was in that game too ( I believe) and second everything this man said.

    One other thing though. When you break this map down, there are really only like three ways across the map. Not to sound incredibly redundant, but you've only got mid, and the two sides. This means that there really isn't any kind of "sneaky" route to the enemy base. Here is an interesting article written by MrGreen that will explain what I mean in detail.

    Other than these few nagging issues, this map is something that I do find to be enjoyable. Like I said in an earlier post, it has that Beaver Creek feel. Because of that, I think you should spend some time studying the updated version found in Anniversary. It has that brute force sort of push mechanic, but also has those cool little caves on the side. Keep up the good work!

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