REVIVAL Revival Gameplay (with download) - YouTube FORGING FLAWS IN VID ABOVE ARE FIXED just so you know...Revival Oddball Gameplay - YouTube Hello and welcome to my newest piece, Revival. Its a 4v4 symetrical map based on Roman architecture. And it suites 2v2 perfectly. There isnt really much more to say other than Special Thanks... Frenchys Resivore Shikarix59 Weapons:1 Sniper Rifle (1 spare clip) 1 Grenade Launcher (3 spare shots) 1 Shotty (1 spare clip) 2 plasma pistols 1 needle rifle 5 DMRs 2 frags 4 plasmas Pictures:
Lol, **** you for that video. I didn't know that we where playing serious, I was testing if you soft killed the top of the map .-. Anyway, honestly I think this would be an alright doubles map nothing more than 4 people. The theme for a castle is cool, just looks kind of blocky in my opinion, and I know you can't help some pieces overlapping but I didn't like that. Also, the tin cup for grass was kind of tacky, I would of rather had some naturals in there.
Haha ! For this man you can have more than one 3some with me and my girlfriend ! Anyway I like alot this map, simple layout , play well , and a good weapon choice ! I would like to see a 4v4 on this because its a small open map perfect for 2v2 . I have nothing more to say than Good job Mr.Roboto .
I just might break into dance.. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Not sure why people arent taking much interest in this. Not a single nom for it yet... sigh. IDK what ill do for my next project... This seems like a failure due to the lack of attention. The recognition it got for the preview set pretty high standards for it I thought...
Great job on this one ! Exquisitely forged and looks really clean. I really like the structure and shape of this map. The bases are well coloured and clear.... Something I need to do with my latest map I am working on. I like how you made and decorated the 2 little structures with window tops with pillars and platform bottom... Although I do question why they aren't centred to side structures? . Looks sweet as a lot of the structure in this looks. Great job, we will have to do a custom night and though a few of our favourite maps on
I guess its more for map control. Sort of like the ring in Sanctuary. If you control the Cathedral, you have a pretty good advantage over gameplay. Though its easily penetrated due to those side jumps. Glad you like it
This map has some clean lines. I do like some of the ideas that was used for the side jumps. I really only have two critiques. The first is aesthetic and it is that I would have lowered the map and made the middle a bath/pool. This would have really accented the time you took into making those chairs on the side. The other issue is that from a gameplay perspective the "courtyard"-esque area need some sort of other LOS breakup to make it a wee bit less open. My suggestion would be some sort of pillar possibly connected to the top of the pool pillars (see your last pic) that arched out into that blank space (hope that was clear.) I think if placed correctly this could also enhance flow giving someone a longer but safer route on both sides. Otherwise, in a 2v2 application this map played great with a large concentration towards DMR fighting (just my experience though).
How you assassinated someone behind you at 3:10 in the second video I have no clue. Whatever you did there was quite epic. I like the use of jumps around the map to keep people from getting cornered. The only issue I noticed was that players seemed to spawn in the same places frequently, but those places seemed to be good spawns so it's not really a worry. Did you change your username recently? I remember seeing someone with that avatar before but I can't quite remember the name.
Gave this a go last night (you can find the video on my filshare) and have to say that the fears I laid out in your preview thread were realized. Mid is too open, the sniper tower is too dominating, and because of this there is little incentive to move around the map. I would suggest knocking out a few walls to add some sneaky routes to help players get around. Particular emphasis should be placed on a protected flank from the base the sniper tower, and around to GL. You have those jump ups, but you have to cross a long LOS to get to them. That basically makes them useless if you're going up against a coordinated team. Why does it matter how much attention your map gets? It doesn't matter what I, or anyone else thinks. What does matter, is if you and the people you play this with are enjoying it. Yeah, it's great to have your hard work recognized on a larger scale, but that shouldn't be the only reason you forge. That said, I still hope that you look into fixing those few nagging issues I had with this. Also, If you test any future versions, i'd love to be part of that.
I might have a V2 soon. Thanks for the ideas. Yea those colosseum walls block off potential pathways. Its a great idea to put some. well thats the whole reason of posting my maps, to help spread the word. Yea id like to have a good custom on it soon. Maybe when I get V2 thrown out