Space Grifball GRIFBALL IN SPACE!!! By Larry Tanng. For 2 to 8 Players. This map is small. I made it as big as possible with the amount of space given by the outdoor areas of Achor 9, and using all of the walls in the budget. I put the goals on the ceiling on each side of the court that can be reached with no less than 2 jumps from the floor. This adds an extra challenge to make up for the small space. This map is best played with 2 vs 2 and works great with the Grifball Evolved v3.0 gametype by Kalbelgarion. Download and have fun! Also check out my other maps: AXIS GUN (made on Tempest) MONTANA INVASION HALO-VANIA 2.0 MAGNORMAS AXIS CITY (remix of Magnormas) LARRY'S HOUSE DOWNLOAD NOW!
Seems like a innovative idea, real nice aesthetics to boot. I wish I could say more, but Im not much of a Grifball player :/
Definitely a very cool concept. I'm sure the gravity is going to make it fun rather than hinder the game too. My only concern is that the court looks to small. It doesn't seem like it could hold a 4v4 game without getting too chaotic.
This looks like a pretty cool concept, Zero-Gravity Griffball? Need I say more? It looks really nice in aesthetic terms, and from the screenshots, it looks pretty fun to play on with 4 - 6 players. Anyways, nice map you got here.
Looks like fun, small as it is, but neat none the less, but my concern is that one side is open and people might get out, and without jetpacks, may be stuck outside the map.
i really wish they gave us more space to forge in the outdoor area of anchor 9. I bet a lot of really fun zero g games would come from it. This is a good attempt for what we are limited to but im sure with more space you could have made it so much better.
I admit I've not even tried forging on the any maps apart from Forge World. I did try it on Sword base and was SUPER disappointed. But if you want Zero G, then why not just make it on Zealot instead? Great idea btw
Zealot doesn't have much space either that doesn't have soft kill or hard kill zones. Plus I'm 90% sure you cannot build walls on Zealot.
Nobody can get out. There are shield walls (see-through) walls on the space side of the court and on the ceiling. It's just hard to see it in the pics. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Zealot doesn't give you any walls of any kind, lol.
What he said. Why not just make it at Forge World? Set Gravity and Voilá! I mean, if it's Zero G you should never fall you would keep going to the direction you move or jump. But you actually fall so no Zero G
That looks really awesome, it reminds me of zero-g ball in dead space. I would download it but i don't have the maps :/ but looks really good!
Its about time to see a good map made on a different map other than forgeworld. Played this with 6 people. I love the fact the goal is to jump up to the goal rather than just to run. Very innovative.
It almost looks like a Marathon map, just the texture combo.....but anyways, its pretty small but you could probably fix it. I truly love this map lol.
Cool idea, but if you want a Zero G Griffball game, just set the basic player settings to low gravity on a normal Grifball game.
Arena is to small so its only good for 1v1 or 2v2. I rate it 2 out of 5. If it was bigger it would work very well. Good attempt
Cool idea, but isn't it a little bit too small for a good Grifball map? I like the idea, anyway, but bigger would be better for this map + gametype.