I'm not sure how often or how many people look at the newcomers section, but I felt I should say hi to everyone anyway Hi! Right, now that that is out of the way, onto the business of utilizing this amazing community and furthering my plans of world domination. How will I achieve this amazing feat? I have absolutely no idea, I am still in the Alpha testing stage of the plan Feel free to message me Liz (I am a guy, this is just easier to type)
I skimmed through this and then I saw "Liz" so I thought oh yes another girl gamer. But then I saw whats inside the parenthesis.. I'm just messing around, welcome to forgehub if you have any maps your curious about just message me. shikarix59
Female stalker right there. Welcome to forgehub bro. There's food in the back, you'll have to fight Berb for it though.
Thanks for the welcome, don't worry about the food, I brought popcorn and ASDA own brand banana milkshake As for "Liz", Eightball hit the nail on the head As for the trolling, I wait in eager anticipation