I must admit, this is the only game type I cannot claim to understand, what makes it so different, and how can you make it do such weird stuff!? :embarassed: Can anyone explain please :happy: Liz
Ahh sorry, my intention wasn't clear, my bad. I was wondering how the gametype was so different from the others, by which I mean; Is it hacked? Is it specifically designed be Bungie to be used for weirder settings?
No, it's not hacked. The idea behind it follows somewhat the concepts behind stockpile. There is a capture zone, you must put something inside the zone, and the it is reset and the score is added. Bungie just it all more awesome.
Ahhhh, thanks for clearing it up, I wasn't sure if it as legit and was unwilling to find out the hard way if it wasn't Always cautious
As I understand it, the "Insane" tab for gametypes is an umbrella term for any gametype or variant which uses rules not included in the base gametypes of Halo: Reach at launch. In other words, anything which was patched in. Halo-Ball in the most commonly used Insane gametype, but Halo-Chess is also under the Insane tab. The Halo-Ball gametype itself seems to be a stockpile variant, due to the fact it's an option for object labels; the goal is to knock any objects tagged with the "Halo_Ball" label into the... well, goal. Unlike stockpile, it's an instant scoring mechanic; balls don't have to sit in there until the timer elapses, you just instantly get the point and the ball despawns (respawn timer applies, as well as max & min tags on the map). The goal is a territory usually, and often has to be marked as team specific for it to show up in normal play (whichever team's goal it is, they get the point); spawn sequence of the goal determines the points gained when a Halo-Ball goes into it, and "0" defaults to a single point. An object with the "Ball_Spawn_Loc" label is required (usually a territory again), even if you don't want it to spawn golf-balls endlessly; speaking of which, a lot of these is how one creates a sea of golf-balls at once. The final tag on the map is a "noise_maker", which will shoot out some flaming skulls whenever the appropriate team scores... and I've never gotten that thing to work myself.
Hate to bump up this thread, but you need the noise_maker to be on the same team and spawn counter for the goal of that team for it to work.
Muchos thanks guys, and sorry about the second bumb, I didn't want to let this one pass without thanks