Most of this map is based on aesthetics, and the 'thin small stand-thingys' or as we forgers like to call 'columns' are the closest to barrels as Sky and I could get. And we wouldn't be able to use propane tanks because they explode for some reason, crazy, right? and they are too thin and small, and they don't merge into the ground. That is what the COD gametype I have in my fileshare is for. It is a gametype that limits your jump, makes you have custom loadouts, no weapons on the map, and its impossible to get on the crates. And if you did, you wouldn't be able to jump from one to the other. I just tried to make this map as close to the original as possible, and it is fairly close to a 1:! scale. The only reason you can get out so easily is because the judges are playing 4v4 regular team slayer on it, with the customizations to the gametype. I love that game! We should play it sometime. Ah, 4shot. I was hoping you'd come 'ere! "but it looks like you haven't put much thought into it." Please expand on your thinking, I'm a bit confused how I haven't put much thought into a map that I didn't even make the layout for. I have gone from reach to COD4 numerous times trying to get the map perfect, each line of sight, each barrels position, each crack in the crates, and even the length, width, and height of each crate is near exact. I have sprinted, walked, and crouched, timing myself each time to see how long it takes me to get from one side of the map to the other. Putting about 5 hours straight looking for pieces for aesthetics, another 20+ hours getting the basic layout, and not to mention looking at countless map overviews, and editing them to get the exact proportions. So I don't know how it doesn't look like I haven't put much thought into it, Please explain your thinking. I could use some criticism.
We spent FOREVER arguing over what went where and what we were going to use for the pieces and we then spent ages fine tuning the map to get it just right, so that all the distances and sizes were as accurate as we could make them within reason. I suggest you think more carefully when saying people haven't put much thought into the map, as you don't really know how long they've spent on it.
If I wanted to limit my jumping I'd just go play CoD... well thats not true, I generally hate the mechanics of that game, though I loved this map. The custom loadouts is definitely a good idea. I'll probably just adjust the height of the containers, at least the central ones.
Haha this map is pretty cool, I don't play COD but I do remember this map, I played this 1v1 with frenchys last night and it was pretty fun, I like how we can get on top of the crates, and all the crates didn't look the same because they all had their own aesthetic touches.
I'll expanding on my thinking once I'm able to play the map. I guess I'll give it a shot, if it's as accurate as you say. I didn't have much time to post or think about the layout of the map when I posted that, so I wasn't able to put much thought into that either. But I'll try and get a game on this soon.
The custom gametype in my fileshare, gives you MORE jump than ______? a) Regular Halo Reach Team Slayer b) A gametype with no jump at all And thats what I tried to do, people that would like to play the map exactly as it was intended to be played, can download the custom gametype. And people that want to play it like Reach, can use the Team Slayer variant provided by Bungie.
Nice job with the map dudes. One thing I will say, it is laggy for the most part, if you guys aren't PO'ed at being told this, you two could creat a reduced item version of the map, so people who like optimized gameplay won't have to deal with the lag of the version that looks good.
Yeah, we've tried fixing it, most of it is pretty sound, but when the grenades start flying it gets laggy and there's nothing we can do to fix it. We couldn't really use less objects, as were trying to get the map to be as accurate in size proportions as possible. Gameplay is still possible, but you just have to stick with it, it's not affecting it that much and 4v4 still makes for some funny games.
Criticism does not mean I wasn't pleased. I think this is one of the top 10 remakes i've every played. there were portions of this map that pissed me off just the same as they did in the original. So, yeah, I'd like to be able to jump a bit and not have to worry about people crossing the map the "wrong" way, but that doesn't mean I wasn't pleased. I'm thrilled that this map was made, and as well done as it has been.
I played a custom a while back and i cant scope worth a damn due to the framerate. Dont get me wrong, the detail you put into the crates was dead on... But that caused some gameplay problems for me. Well... that and the fact that I got smoked by 15 points.
We're you playing a 1v1? I think I remember some framerate while zooming in, not while zoomed in though, can you tell me where it was that you got the framerate? I'd like to get this map to the best that it can be before the contest ends, it would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
Yeah, framerate is an issue, but we were going for accuracy over gameplay, but not so much that it's shitty to play on, its just we were trying to get the map as close to the original as possible. Lots of maps get framerate lag when scoped, it's just how the Reach object rendering engine works.
When I said something of liking how you can get on the crates, it was because I wasn't using the COD game type. Frenchys had put a different game type on, and with robo, I'm the reason he got smoked by 15 This map is pretty cool, it seems more of a game of hide and seek to me, but I like all the detail, and I didn't see much frame rate.
What were you playing when you didn't see much framerate? And do you like having a COD gametype and a non-COD gametype?
Honestly, I enjoyed it more without the COD game type you included, I like the no radar feel but TU dmrs, was more enjoyable. Just one of many opinions, I liked how we where on top of the crates running across the map, I liked the soft kills a lot too. Seemed perfect.
Well, seeing as we were almost out of budget and items at the time of building them (yes we've used nearly every piece from the structure section) it was quite hard, as we needed quite a few pieces for each of them.