To me only 1 word discribes this map and its FUN well the map name is pritty much what the map it lol so i dont realy need to discribe it but be for u use the map watch the how 2 vid or elce u will be lost! ENJOY!! here are sum screenshots the how 2 vid: and the map: thx for downloading from the one and only confessedmanx
Okay I do specifically remember telling you to read the sticky on how to post your map.. Clearly you didn't. Read this first You need to embed pictures of your map. Also the name of the thread can only be the name of the map, do not include (by confessedmanx) The reason for this is to give every map the same chance. Also it's just not needed. When you finish reading the link I gave you EDIT this post, do NOT create a new thread.
mm sounds interesting but if i wanted to camit suicide i would just use a grenade or jump of a cliff simple, but im curious so ill dl