Nice Video btw I love 30 seconds to mars... just played it on rockband. You had some good kills on there. -Donuts
Orange player color FTW!! Me too. I saw one part where you got a double kill on two guests. I was like, "who hasn't done that"? I mean, some of those kids really stink. But overall I liked it. So you're the guy who always has the sniper and the laser.
I would say good video, but almost all of those are from Social... Overall I give a 2/5. You had some good kills, but I'd like it if it were ranked matches.
yeah i know what you guys mean i was thinking about that to. I got all the stuff for it today and it took me some long and hard hours to install and figure it all out so i just went in a played some socials to get some quick stuff. sorry :-\
Those kills you got in the video are about matchly for me when I play. I want to see Overkills, Killtacs,etc, double kill no scopes, cool sticks, beastly BR'ing, etc. AND FOR GOD SAKE GET A TRIPLE KILL WITH THE LASER WHEN YOU SHOOT A WARTHOG. The double kill here and there, a Laser kill, the 4 sniper shots to kill 2 people (especially those two turret guys on the elephant), the snipe across from Narrows, anyone can do that...
Insane is a little... well insane you must excuse him, as you can tell we dont have any montoge from him... -Donuts
Lol sorry if I'm being to harsh. I've never made a montage before, I could though, if I knew how to and had the equipment. I KNOW I can get the kills. You want your montages to make people go 'wow'. Show them your best of the best with your kills, the craziest, the most insane, the luckiest, the most skillful, you want to put those in the montage. It may take weeks, maybe a few months (if your not that good) to get some good kills. So yeah, you want to make people be like "wow that guy IS good, look at that Killionaire with Stickies!" (I'm not expecting you to get that lol, I've never even gotten a Killionaire) You don't want people to watch your video and have them sit there saying "This is so boring, this stuff is so easy, double kill with assasinations, wtf?" or "Oh wow! He snipes 2 people on Narrows when they were on the other side". Anyone can do that.
yeah man i know what you mean i don't want to get into a big dumb fight about this, that would be retarded. I know it's not SOOO AMAZING but yeah...i get your point, I'll work on that.
Check out Phurion and see how he edits his videos. And the Sandtrap hall laser/single snipes over and over weren't that amazing.
Everyone has to start somewhere. Good job working to put the vid together. Now go and make us weep with inadequacy with your second vid. PS. Walshy Final Montage OMG. It's on my myspace page. Check it out if you appreciate a master at work.
it would be much better if you cut all the sandtrap lasers/snipes and put them really fast in sequence almost like flashing.
yeah see i can't do any of that fancy editing stuff he did lol. i don't even know how to get the game audio onto it . But yeah that one was very nice.
and also insane i don't think it seems almost impossible to get like killtaculars and above in ranked matches cause there all teams of 4 games or lone wolves is only 5 other people. so yeah idk, just a thought :