So I was on Twitter when G4 linked a video for this game called "I Am Alive." So figuring it was a Zombie Apocalyptic game, I clicked it and seen this. I Am Alive - Official Trailer [HD] - YouTube This game looks like it could be good, or it could take a turn for the worse with dull gameplay. So what are your thoughts? VID DUMP: Video 1: Rules I Am Alive Rules Trailer [HD] - YouTube Video 2: Encounters I Am Alive Encounters Trailer [HD] - YouTube Video 3: Comeback I Am Alive - Comeback Trailer [HD] - YouTube
None zombies guys, it's just a survival game. A dull looking one, but hell, we've all been surprised before.
Thats kinda what I thought. Alan Wake or Uncharted. I've never played either one of them but i dunno.
It's an interesting premise for a game, but I don't know if it could ultimately hold a players attention to completion. It seems like it would be the same kind of thing over and over again: go into area, find provisions, protect yourself from thugs, take provisions to other survivors/daughter. I kind of don't see a satisfying story developing out of that, and I wouldn't be surprised if Ubi eventually resorted to introducing mutants/zombies/mutant zombies. On the other hand, it could turn out to be a completely engrossing story with interesting story arcs and twists, and enough variety in the game play to keep me interested all the way through. Have to wait for the game to come out and read a few reviews before I make up my mind, though. As a side note, the lip-synching in the Rules video looked a little off, and the animation for talking looked a little shonky too. Hope that's rectified before release.
Beat up some rebels who are holding your daughter hostage. Rescue daughter. Come to found out the dust has given her asthma. Find respirators to keep her alive. Run into strong female lead. Everythingo good, some chivalry. Your guard is let down. Something happens and you must save her, but don't forget about your daughters asthma. Yea that's the plot. I feel it.
The platforming looked REALLY dull in a leaked video that showed him scaling a decrepit building briefly shown in the third trailer. I've been tracking this game since it was first announced with the "OMG BOTTLE OF WATER" trailer ages ago, and the premise is awesome, but the combat, coupled with the aforementioned point have me a little put off now. Hopefully the impression I got was wrong though, as I do like the idea of it quite a bit.
^ This. Exactly this. I remember first hearing about this game a couple years ago and I've really wanted to play it since then. But these trailers and leaked videos have got me rethinking my stance with this game. Also, it's worth it to mention that it's an Arcade game, so it probably isn't going to be all that great.
I think it's actually a good technique to make the traveling fairly dull and time-consuming. It makes the encounters that much more thrilling. If you're like me, I get into games, I immerse myself in the story. Just think of yourself in a situation like that, you're not going to want to use your bullets and you're going to want your moves to be thought-through and planned. ditto.
I liked the combat system until they showed him doing the exact same thing several times over, to the same, unaltered response by the different NPCs.
My sentiments exactly. Which is why I thought the trailers looked a bit repetitive. As an arcade game, it will probably be pretty decent, but I'll definitely be downloading the demo before I commit to buying it.