The Story: After the death of his wife, Ms. Pac-Man, Pac-Man had nothing else to live for. Anger and vengeance was the only thing keeping him alive now. But the tides have turned and he's seeking revenge! He will stop at nothing to find and killed the monsters known as the Ghosts who murdered his wife! Gameplay: In Pac-Man Revenge, the game sort of plays like the original Pac-Man, only now the hunters have become the hunted. It is an infection game where the ghosts (Infected) have to run away and Pac-Man (Human) has to chase them. Ghosts are equipped with energy swords and Pac-Man is equipped with a gravity hammer. Pac-Man is "nearly" invincible, the ghost can still try to kill him but Pac-Man is able to kill with 1 hit. The ghosts can use there evade ability to help them escape the deadly grasp of Pac-Man. Four 2-way teleports can be found at the sides of the maze for easy travel. There are 4 power pellets (Invisibility cloak) at each corner of the maze. Pac-dots (Plasma Grenade) can be found all around the maze. Ghosts can use these to try to take down Pac-Man. The player with the highest score wins after 5 amazingly fun rounds wins! Pictures: The Layout of the maze These teleporters allow players to travel across the maze quickly Using these Pac-dots, the Ghosts can try to kill Pac-Man Evading can help get you out of sticky situations! Using creative teamwork, the Ghosts can kill Pac-Man! More Pictures and a Video coming very soon! (I cant finish post now because I have to pee!)
And the ghosts in pictures #6 and #7 killed Pac-Man. What's next? Pac-Man's brother? Anyway onto the subject I liked the idea when you put the one way shields where the ghosts starts because without the one way shields, the Pac-Man swarn kills the ghosts. I also liked when you put plasma grenades and use them as "Pac-dots" to kill Pac-Man. You've done a great job. - EpICx ReMiX XD
Well, after you've killed Pac-Man, you start a new round and someone else may become Pac-Man. And I also pretty much like the plasma grenades also. I know that this isnt the first Pac-Man map made, so I tried adding things to set itself apart from the rest. Like not making the Ghost or Pac-Man invincible. I wanted the players who are running away to be able to accomplish something without getting bored easily. So evading and having the chance to kill Pac-Man made a huge difference imo...
Great job it good to put a twist on things sometimes like having pac man kill the ghosts in stead of the ghost killing pac the only thing I don't like is the grid for the floor it looks a little ugly maybe try using some different thing for floors like brace larges or platform XXL idk be creative besides that great map
I actually really like the grids. I was trying to capture a classic "video gamey" look. The grids were perfect in the fact that they have patterns of plain squares. Plus, I wanted to add a neon feel just like the old Pac-Man games. So I added the juicy effect to make the lights of the stunt ramps and the blue on the grids more colourful. But I definitely respect your opinion and I take it into consideration. Thank You...