Coastal Highway

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Stewie252, Jul 22, 2011.

  1. Stewie252

    Stewie252 Forerunner

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    Coastal Highway!
    Coastal Highway Download Link!
    This map was created with inspiration from the Halo 3: ODST Campaign Mission "Coastal Highway." Simply put its a highway that starts at a toll booth and goes to an exit where a city is located. The original point of the map was for Invasion, then Race was added for obvious reasons.

    The invasion gametype is fast paced and hectic. Defenders need to be on their feet at all times and attackers need to jump on the opportunities given to them. The gametype is called "Checkpoints" since in this scenario, UNSC forces has set up checkpoints to protect a small city. The covenant need to break the 2 checkpoints, then steal the data core!
    Checkpoints-Invasion Download!

    Coastal Cruising-Race
    The map is a highway, so it obviously is made for racing! In this fun, 3 lap race, players must race the course! 3 laps total! It is complete awesomeness and great fun!
    Coastal Cruising-Race Download!

    ‪Halo Reach: Coastal Highway -HD‬‏ - YouTube
    #1 Stewie252, Jul 22, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2011
  2. Berb

    Berb Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thats all you can say?

    From the video, the invasion setup you've got thar is imbalanced. It is way too easy for the elites because they get the most powerful weapon. In this case, it's the Wraith. It can just blow away the Spartan vehicles and players. And what's the deal with airline food the instant bomb arms? The elites can probably complete 1st phase in 15 seconds because the Spartans get nearly nothing compared to the elites three vehicles.

    Also, the map seems a little weird. Though the highway portion of the map does remind me of coastal highway, the part at the end seems like a filler phase. That area needs to smoothed out and built up into and actual base. Using the preset buildings is generally a no-no anyway.
    #2 Berb, Jul 23, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2011
  3. Reload59

    Reload59 Forerunner

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    First, this map has some awesome ideas. I think the highlight is the first barricade. It’s a great defensive spawn. That said, it could use quite a bit of work. Before you read my suggestions just know that this is what I would do if it were my map and that they may seem a little ridiculous. First, I think that when you built the highway, you made it too large. I would recommend that you scrap both bases and shorten the highway somehow- make the final Spartan base at the second checkpoint, scrap everything behind that point and then either make another barricade on another part of the remaining highway or put two objectives near the new Spartan base. I would also find another way to make the barriers on the sides of the road because they are really soaking up budget which could be spent on the Spartan base. Try to draw from the building blocks pallet more- it’s much cheaper than decorative structures. One other thing is that the elite base appears….out of place. Maybe instead of an actual base you could spawn the elites in some cover, already on the road. Just a couple of ideas I had for the invasion variant. Cool map.
    #3 Reload59, Jul 23, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2011
  4. X RS Sniper X

    X RS Sniper X Forerunner

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    You know what is SoooSad about this map it is a Race track map meaning the highway was already built everything was already pre-built just that this guy needs to add in some stuff to make it Invasion compatible and No offence or anything but yea make the Revenant Phase 2 or 3 and thats about it
  5. Carter1234

    Carter1234 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Looks pretty great, actually. The Highway is impressively built, And the Highway and Spartan Base look greatly forged and spot on. It received my download, I'll try to get it played in my customs today.

    What are you talking about? He specifically said that this map was initially built for invasion, but he made it race also. That means that he had to add some stuff in to make it RACE compatible, not invasion.
    #5 Carter1234, Jul 24, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2011
  6. firedune

    firedune Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Personally, great job on this. I know how hard it is not only to set up an invasion map, but making it work properly is a hassle.

    I do see what you mean by a quick invasion match, but in honestly, invasion isn't a race (no pun intended). I really like the turret in the first phase, because it seemed to work well however, it seemed that that was their main weapon. Perhaps a plamsa pistol for defenders could be added. The frst phase I think was really well done. it's not often that you're supposed to lose the first phase to what actually feels like an invasion though. Nice job on that.

    The second phase i have a real issue with. Rockets were a nice touch, and the wraith might be considered pushing it, but giving the defenders only one turret on a bare platform is a no-no. Perhaps putting 2 turrets in a sort of pillbox with the top exposed and a turret-sandbag would do nicely (2 seperate "pillboxes"). This way the wraith would be the key unit there, giving the defenders the ability to push back the speeding revenant, but would fall with a co-ordinated all vehicle attack.

    The third phase (from what I can see) plays our really well, but the defender's base is a little shallow. Perhaps adding more buildings (even if most are just non-acessable towers of blocks), some with a heavy weapon to aid in defense, or aid in assaut if attacker-held. This would also give the "town" a more city-like feel and give some nice opportunities for close encounters. Perhaps some buildings could be connected via sky-bridge? This would also mitigate banshe bombings and wraith shelling from the bridge, which seemed to ba a major problem. A single Spartan Laser might not hurt either...
  7. VodkaAnyone

    VodkaAnyone Forerunner

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    Now this looks like a amazing invasion map. Its a idea i haven't seen done before and it look like you did it well :) Im pending download the now, how long did it take to build this and did you use your capture card to make video ? :)
  8. G0DLYP4ND4

    G0DLYP4ND4 Forerunner

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    Your map looks well built in most places (the final phase could use some work) and it looks fun. A few proplems I can see are wasted prices and money, elites have the wraith, spartains don't have anything to counter act that, and not much cover. From what I can see from the video, it looks like you use 1 by 5 flats to make the bridge supports. You could use 1 by 4 to save half the blocks you used. To fix the o.p. Wraith, i'd suggest giving the humans a rocket launcher with a low amount if ammo (you might have already, can't tell) and making the wraiths spawn time longer. From what I can remember of the short time playing odst's campaign (only got the games for all the halo 3 maps), the bridge had many cars, crates, and ramps spread about. You should add some of this is around so the whole map can be used effectively.
  9. Minion

    Minion Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The map looks pretty good, but at 0:21 in the video, that area looks a bit sloppy. If you fix it up and make it look better, I think you could get a lot more downloads.

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